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SKELP & being kind to children

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 6:53 pm
by barr7430
Enjoyed the show 2day :D :D
Excellent venue - great light and space 8)
Well organised as usual by you Bridie-Eaters
Great to see The Iron Brigade pick up best game GONG.. well done fellas 8)

And now to the children,
Well Mr Imrie and I were trying to cut the laddies a bit of slack, let them knock out a few tanks, kill a few bad guys, get into the rules etc etc and...

In a dark corner of our table lurked the Child Catcher whose head was in his hands as Panthers and Grenadiers alike fell to the rubber grenades of the GIs.
"Teach them a few life lessons" said the Correctional Facility Governor..
don.t let them win... ohmygawd :shock: David and I withered under the steely gaze of the man who taught Bill Murray in 'Scrooged' how do do 'grumpy' :lol: :lol:

We'll try harder next time RSM. No soft options at the next boot camp!

I wonder if anyone knows this man :wink:

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 9:16 pm
by theoldschool
Deferred success! Stuff and nonsense; as matron always said, a good beating never harmed anyone :P
Messrs Imrie and Hilton's indulgence of the young sprouts would have brought a tear to a glass eye. I have instructed old scrotum, my faithful retainer, to rattle off a quick note to the Papa recommending their beatification.

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2007 5:26 pm
by martin terroni
Yep, glad to see Kev and Pete picking up best demo game, excellent display, echo barry's words regards show. Nice venue and the traders well picked. Bob the bridies were ace!

Mr T


Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2007 6:20 pm
by kutusov
The members of the Angus Wargames Club would like to take the opportunity to thank All the Clubs who put on tables, the Traders who came from far flung parts of the UK and members of the Public who
helped to make this years show a success and looking like one of our best on record.

To see so many of our friends at the show and the nice comments makes all the hard work of organising it worth while.

We hope to have photo's of the show added to the clubs website in a short while.

Bob Mirrey

ps I don't know how many Bridies Barry ate :lol: but we ran out pretty quickly :wink:

pps if it's not to early keep a note Skelp 2008 11th October 2008 same place :lol:(Planning was started in the pub saturday night) :roll:

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2007 9:30 am
by sharnydubs
Great show , thoroughly enjoyed the day and having the space to wander about and not being cramped on our table. Congratulations Bob. And the number of attendees didn't really seem to suffer form the big footie match.

Many thanks for the compliments about our display. We had a lot of visitors and ran out of information sheets.

I thought the overall games standard was very high. Good variety and some lovely displays.

Congratulations too to Messrs Imrie and Hilton for keeping the younger ones occupied and for Barry's numerous painting awards. There's even photographic proof in today's Courier with Barry and Dave and young Arran Sykes as well as a photo of Kevin and me and our Napoleonic bash. Must get my haircut !

I was glad to meet Bill of Musketeer Miniatures at the show. I've been tempted to pick up some of his GNW figures for a while (Russians of course) and was really impressed with his sculpting and (Konstam and Jack take note) he is planning on some Indian Mutiny for 2008 !

Till the next one

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2007 1:05 pm
by Alpha
Well done to everyone who won a prize at Skelp, especially the Iron Brigade for an excellent display! It was great to see everyone at the weekend and as it was my first time at this venue would like to offer my congratulations to the Angus club for a good show!

As for the being kind to the kids…
Pat asked me why the Allies were always winning? We have weighted the game to let the kids win I replied. After a short silence Pat replies...hardly a lesson in it? Pat is one of the kindest and generous guys in the hobby! He just doesn’t want anyone to know that he is! However, I don't think I'll be asking him to baby-sit! I get the feeling kids isn’t his strong point :D
David Imrie

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2007 3:35 pm
by barr7430
I told you David he IS the Child Catcher from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang!! :wink:

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2007 4:07 pm
by kutusov
God that guy was scary :twisted: when I was *** and he's still scary
now :wink:

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2007 4:11 pm
by Spiraluk
I had a good day meeting lots of new faces and, when I could sneak away, looking at the games. The Iron Brigades game was a worthy winner, and the standard of all of them was high. I was also very impressed with the standard of painting, which was higher all round than that of other shows I've been to.
A big thanks to Bob and his band for all the help in loading/unloading my stuff . Looking forward to next years return visit! Possibly with a couple of new ranges. :wink:

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2007 4:28 pm
by Dave Stewart
Yet more praise! :D

Thanks for your welcome and all the help Bob, an excellent show, and I too look forward to returning next year.

A good day for the East Kilbride boys with John hill, Barry and Sid Ellerington's successes.

Good to meet you Bill, and thanks again for the loan of the carrier bags.


Dave Stewart.

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2007 6:17 pm
by Spiraluk
A pleasure Dave. I'll bring extra next year just in case! :wink:

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 9:24 am
by barr7430

I'll let you know how I get on after my date with the Provost of Forfar..... 8)
She and I were hitting it off like a couple of good 'uns :wink:

Does the Angus Club also running dating agencies :lol:

Skelp Presentation to the Poppy appeal

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 7:01 pm
by kutusov
The Angus wargames Club would like to thank everyone who attended Skelp and let you know the sum raised for the Scottish Poppy appeal from the show came to over £250 which is a 25% increase on last year :D .
The cheque was handed over at the British legion last tuesday 21st Nov
by the chairman.

Photo at the bottom of the page of this link. ... 6102201758
