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The Flussgarten Rushes!

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2005 8:34 pm
by barr7430

that is not a medical condition similar to Montezuma's Revenge or the Delhi Belly it is in fact a taster of the latest League of Gentlemen Wargamer's(Caledonian Chapter) Mega Bash.

The legends are all in their own lunchtimes. The tales of Bob(Beau Sabreur)Lauder, Kevin(Schnapps) Calder, Dave(Sponge Bob) O'Brien, Andy("Here's another tenner, wind Peter up") Nicholson and the rest of the gang will appear all too soon.

We used the Rev3 version of my Napoleonic Rules..working title now Republic to Empire .

Flussgarten was in my opinion the closest and best game yet. We used a new table set up and the Prussians played a dominant part(in the fight and the rout!)

Some pics now in the Gallery - Real Deal section to whet the appetites of Napoleonic buffs. The usual follow on.. to follow on!

Good News: lots more Calpe Prussians, in fact lots more Prussians! and Better pics as I'm getting the hang of it now!

By the way it was A BRIDGE TOO FAR for the Allies to quote Adrian Howe and a great French Victory whilst on the defensive. Not a Guard in sight!

I am hoping that perhaps the Scrivener `O'Brien' may issue a missive in the format of Neue Kampagne Zeitung!!! Hint Dave :!: :wink:

Really enjoyed it lads, thanks for the Bribes and the Whisky. Looking foward to November and the next one.


The Ref. :D


Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2005 9:20 pm
by thinredline
My Dear Sirs,

One must apologise to ones Commanding Officer, and colleagues.

Whilst my Brave 9th and 11th Divisions were protecting Flussgarten from the advancing Prussian Hordes, France's finest, my indomitable 10th, and the heroes of Hohenbrunn were absent without leave in the bridgehead camp. I believe they were ensconced in two tents. availing themselves of the sevices available therein. One was definately the "beer tent", the other, well it remains unmentionable in the presence of ladies :oops:

On reflection, I am sure that their below par performance in front of Flussgarten once they did arrive, owed much to their state of inebriation, rather than Prussian Jaeger rifle fire or Hussar sabre cut. As it stands, we were victorious, but at great cost to my "brave boys". (eh Bertie Voghts)

The Prussian Jaeger continue their sneak tactics, availing themselves of fog and ditches to approach my men, before announcing their presence with lead. :evil:

Has anyone seen Schnapps, or was he just posing for photographs this time :?:

Vive La France
Vive L'Empreror


Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2005 6:56 pm
by martin terroni
Barry, do you have any large pics of the whole of the game from the gentlemans weekend, Bob was going on about the L shape layout :idea:

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2005 7:22 pm
by barr7430
In my enthusiasm to photo `incidents' and individual units from the collections of the lads I neglected to take a large scale photo of the table. HOWEVER.... I will PDF the table plan and map so that you can see it Martin. I'll stick it in the scenarios section along with the Hohenbrunn stuff.

The L shape was a definite winner. Longest set up frontage, easiest and most convenient access all round with enough depth to make manoeuvre possible and relevant. No sore backs, cracked heads, popped joints etc from crawling underneath the tables to reach the dreaded Umpire Pit in the middle. 8)



Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2005 10:50 am
by martin terroni
Thanks Barry, great idea by the way

cheers Martin :)

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2005 12:54 pm
by barr7430
Finally all of the documents pertaining to organising and running the Battle of Flussgarten 23rd October 1813 are now in the Scenarios section of the Warchest.
Dave O'Brien's 'Le Vrai' is also posted.
The 'official' history and blow by blow account from the very unbaised Umpires will appear in the not too distant future.

A More organised portfolio of battle mayhem shots will appear from today in the Gallery - Real Deal.

Hope visitors and military commentators(such as Mr Terroni) enjoy it as much as we did.

Umpires were the usual unlucky pair: Anderson & Hilton! :twisted:

And of course we haven't heard too much from Schnapps or Kellerman.....yet :roll:


Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2005 7:16 pm
by thinredline

I must crave your indulgence, the good Colonel and I did enjoy " a pint" over lunch, and it is astounding the intelligence one gathers from tongues liberally loosened by alcohol !

Following the strenuous constrictures of having ones photograph taken by your good self, he thought it better to remove himself to some foreign clime, going by the name of "England" for a "Holiday". - I am sure he will return ONE day, probably when all the shooting is done!

Kellerman :lol:

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2005 12:42 pm
by obriendavid
Barry I seem to be unable to open Le Vrai but I can open the other pdf's, I would hate the other Hoi Poloi to miss the truth of our Great Victory.

Marshal Soult

Le Vrai

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2005 12:58 pm
by barr7430

just tried it and it opened first time! If anyone else reads this then pls let me know if you are having problems and I'll upload again!

We can't have the masses missing messing of this calibre!!!

Any nominees for the honour roll Marshal Soult??? I made sure I included as many of your performing flees as possible on the list!!!



Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2005 5:37 pm
by obriendavid
Hi Barry, just tried again and it opened up this time but after a long wait, the boilers in my steam driven computer were obviously not up to full pressure.

You also seem to have mis-spelt balanced in your introduction (The scrivener O'Brien's totally biased account of the French `stunning' victory at Flussgarten. )

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2005 5:48 pm
by obriendavid
Any nominees for the honour roll Marshal Soult??? I made sure I included as many of your performing flees as possible on the list!!!

You missed out Morands division which although isolated and without the artillery support it was supposed to have (fiendish alllied conspiracy not bringing them along) defended the town against a whole Austrian Corps for the whole day and even made a counter attack which pushed the Austrians back for and hour and half. By the end of the day the one remaining regiment was still hanging onto the town even with 50% casualties. The reserve artillery battery on the Kopf des Monche also deserve a mention for some outstanding shooting throughout the whole day. They probably used up all my good dice rolls for the rest of the year.

I would struggle to pick a favourite out of such distinguised units, they all deserve to join the Garde.

Marshal Soult

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2005 5:58 pm
by obriendavid
Ignore my last message regarding Morand's division, I just noticed you put it down as the Vistual regiment.


Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2005 11:37 am
by barr7430
Peter has penned the despatch from Prince Andrei to the Czar. Unless I am mistaken the defeat at Flussgarten seems to have been the fault of that potty Commander Von Augsburg and of course the extremely poor performance of the Prussians who, if only the had stood aside and let the Russians attack Flussgarten, could have shared in the glory brought on all by the Czar's brave soldiers!

Long Live the Czar?

Posted by : Colonel Trotsky :shock:

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2005 8:37 pm
by Anonymous
Gutten Tag Herr Kellerman,
I have returned from my well earned leave visiting the family of Mrs Schnapps and recounting to them the brave deeds of their favorite son in law upon the sorry field of Flussgarten. Penned in on my right by our brave 3rd Prussian Division and on my left by some Austrian sightseerers under the command of our so called leader Graf von Augsburg ( with difficult terrain to contend with as well) it is little wonder the initial advance of the 18th Brigade went so disasterously wrong .With the arrival of the 10thBrigade (my Jaegers to the fore) Prussian valour carved a damned great big - through your line. Jaeger fire emptying French saddles is sadly becoming all to familiar and we crave a fight with some real soldiers (fellow infantrymen ) in future engagements.
I was most relieved to observe your flight from my advance along side your horse artillery was successful, although may I suggest a larger horse next time, the shetland pony really does not suit a man of your standing.
kind regards
your nemisis
Colonel Schnapps


Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2005 10:07 pm
by thinredline
Bon Soir mon cher Colonel,

Yet again you skulk and sneakses ups on peoples (down smeagol).
At Hohenbrunn, you hid in a wood, at Flussgarten, you hid in a ditch.
Just how did your batman get your nice uniform cleaned up for the photo shoot?

And you are mistaken in your re-collections.

Having crawled up behind my brave boys who were rebuffing some dregs of your allied cavalry, you proceed to shoot my boys in the back. :shock:
Quite ungentlemanly Sir !

My withdrawal, owed much to our brilliant Marshall Soult's orders to suck you in to a salient in the centre and divert you away from your objective (Flussgarten) -and it worked, and my lancers were ordered south to "deal" with your friends

Surely you recollect the EVERYTHING on "your right" running away at the sight of my lancers, (moderator take note please) three and a half SQUADRONS - routing everything before them! :P :P

I trust Mrs Scnapps is well and enjoyed her holiday, it was a pleasure to renew our acquiantance. Mrs Kellerman is puzzled however - she thought she was my nemesis, not your good self. :lol: :lol: Got two nemesii to worry about now!

Ever victorious
Vive La France
Vive L'Empereur