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Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 9:30 pm
by barr7430

today for a short time the site was 'Suspended'.
I have since been informed by my web designer that the site was 'under attack' from a California based SPAM BOT which was hitting the site so often that it was putting the server service provider's own system under pressure. For safety reaosns they suspended service until some steps were taken by LloA

This same SPAMMER,responsible for most of the shite which appears in the members list, hits LoA dozens of times a day under normal circumstances but today was 'super intense'.

I have no idea..

I have not slept with his wife (to my knowledge :wink: )
I have not insulted his mother
I don't hate his football team
I didn't bully him at school
I didn't grass him up to the Police

Maybe he doesn't like BLB or R2E :lol:

Anyway, if it happens again don't fear.. I'll be back!

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 9:04 am
by j1mwallace
Spam Bot is van anagram of Bam pots.
Mebbe it was doctor evil looking for one billion dollars.

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 2:44 pm
by CoffinDodger

Remember I emailed you about not having access to FIGHTINGTALK and being directed to another site? This could be the same son-of-a-"female dog" and I believe that it happens when you try to access the "all recent posts" button on a member's profile.

EDIT: It is still happening with some of the links eg: when I tried the "all recent posts since my last visit" link.

I had to clear all my cookies and it took me ages to get back online.

Now, I have had the fortune to have travelled the world over for more than forty years so, if it makes you feel any better, there is a good chance I have *****d his wife and it serves him right.


Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 6:57 pm
by barr7430
thanks for that info Jim!! :lol:

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 4:04 pm
by barr7430
Happened again today for a short while folks.. sorry.

Not sure who the Dr Evil MasterBrain is. I have probably pissed off enough people in the hobby to make the USUAL SUSPECTS list about 3 pages long.
The 'Nuts' article in particular seemed to annoy as many people as it tickled..

oh I do love balance in the cosmos :wink:

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 9:06 am
by Wayne A Turner
It's the curse of the PHP forum, there its always some twat who thinks he's a big man by messing with random forums. :evil: :roll:

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 9:24 am
by barr7430

Sounds like you know a little about this. On quizzing the Pointy-Heads at the Hosting company the answers were vague. Maybe you can help me understand:

1. Who is likely to indulge in this kind of twattery?

2. What is actually in it for them? THAT IS MY REALLY BIG QUESTION?

3. How common is it?

Curious of Carmunnock

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 9:38 am
by Wayne A Turner
The old Flames Of War forum got hacked a couple of times, where is when off line. As was the old playtest forum.

They usually have worked out some way to hack the script. They are like virus writers, no one is really sure why the do it.

Usually called Script Kiddies:

My mate Dion would be able to better tell you what they are doing. I'll PM you his email.

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 2:56 pm
by bibio
dear curious of curmunnock

somewhere along the line you have defiinly pissed someone off big time of all the forums i am a member of or visit on a regular basis this is the only one that is regulary attacked,could it be something to do with 1690?

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 3:25 pm
by j1mwallace
See it happened AGAIN. D'you want me to send big Ron with an encourager not to do it again. Hard to hack with your hands in plaster.

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 4:00 pm
by flick40
could it be something to do with 1690?
That problem started in 1171, but I digress.

I was a wanna be hacker kid years ago, and thats all it was about back then, kids writting code to get back at the "system". Now with Chan 4 people its the same age group 15-25s who love nothing better than to disrupt things just because they can. But most likely its a bot randomly attacking the site. Or someones onto Jim and his worldwide exploits. :)

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 4:03 pm
by barr7430
Dear Ian,

I know I had a hard paper round but seriously, I was not around in 1690 8)

I have always thought my treatment of Scotland's Disease was rather impartial frankly. I remember once putting on a 1688 game with two Church of Scotland ministers at a show in Glasgow. In true Scottish schizo style.. one was hellfire and brimstone and up for burning as many idolators as he could scrape up in a pyre on Glasgow Green... the other, well his best pal was the local Catholic Priest and he himself gave up the ministry to become a Catholic!! I love Scotland! :lol:

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 8:48 pm
by bibio
I can get this page okay but when Itry to get to any of the other pages i'm getting gobleygook!


Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 9:47 pm
by obriendavid
barr7430 wrote:I have always thought my treatment of Scotland's Disease was rather impartial frankly. I remember once putting on a 1688 game with two Church of Scotland ministers at a show in Glasgow. In true Scottish schizo style.. one was hellfire and brimstone and up for burning as many idolators as he could scrape up in a pyre on Glasgow Green... :
So you didn't recognise Angus in his previous vocation :lol:

and the Irish problem started in 1169, it was probably relations of mine that peed off someone. :roll:

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 9:50 pm
by barr7430
Stuart is still working on the site that is why the gobboldygook is currently visible. That will go away when he restores the site's capability. The forum is working becaue I believe it is a seperate server and not part of the core site.