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Found it!

Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2012 8:37 pm
by Matt 1805
It seems my memory is not as bad as my wife seems to think. Remember the conversation at Derby about Barry's article on famous wargames figures. I knew I had seen Peter Guilder's young gaurd on a front cover of an old Military Modelling - I thought it was late 70's.

Yesterday, at Targe,I was rummaging in a box of old copies of MM and came across the issue - though it was June 1981 (nobody is perfect).


Anyone else remember this? - for me it was quite inspirational - I had minifigs until then, so you see what I mean.

Re: Found it!

Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2012 8:38 pm
by Matt 1805
Sorry picture doesnt seem to show. The link to photobucket is below: ... 7698765005

there is a detail of the figures on the next photo too

Re: Found it!

Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2012 9:13 pm
by Friedrich August I.
Matt 1805 wrote:Sorry picture doesnt seem to show. The link to photobucket is below: ... 7698765005

there is a detail of the figures on the next photo too
left click the IMG code, last of the four and past it in here
like this

Re: Found it!

Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2012 10:57 pm
by barr7430
My God, well done Matt!

Re: Found it!

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2012 9:11 am
by Matt 1805
Thanks for the tip Gunter, technology not my strong point - clearly remebering useless information is!

It was interesting to see what was actually inside the magazine though. A real trip down memory lane. Companies such as Table Top games, Mike's Models have gone down the pan (I wonder if anyone still has MM SYW moulds?) but Essex minaitures were there. But putting aside my rose tinted spectacles there were letters pages with a guy asking for a army list and another askibng for details of Persian cavaly - both of which were answered in full. There were detailed reviews and a notice board of events. Also an artcile on how to model 1:300th modern infantry. Regiment of the month, vehicle modelling......

In short everything we now get on the internet - almost on a daily basis, rather than waiting a whole month for a paper magazine. However I must say it was pretty professional. I can certainly see why I enjoyed reading it. So are we better served by their modern counterparts? - Now there is a question.

Re: Found it!

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2012 11:45 am
by simon boulton
Interesting question Matt.

There's no question that finding information out quickly about uniforms, OOB's and such is much quicker and easier now thanks to the internet. I also find it inspiring and useful to see the pics of other peoples painted figures that are so abundant now. I wonder if I'd get more painting done though without the internet distraction?

Your mention of the adverts reminded me of how I used to write out orders for figures by hand and send them off with a cheque. Often you didn't know what the figures actually looked like because the catalogues were only lists. Now we expect to see a photo of every figure and to be able to order them with a couple of clicks.

I do still like to get hard copies of the magazines though, much better for reading on the train :)

Re: Found it!

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2012 1:54 pm
by Matt 1805
I still like hard copy - though you can even get magazines on Kindle and Ipads, ok for the train but the perhaps not the loo.

The best bid about magazines is serendipity - you dont know what is about to come up and there is often something new you hadn't seen before or thought about. Plus there are lots of items all in one place - so you dont need to go searching for it. I expect that magazines will always be popular just for these reasons alone.