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Just starting LOA

Posted: Tue Oct 15, 2013 7:43 pm
by Cardinal Biggles
Hello all,

Ive just got interested in this period, bought the BLB2 rules, which are great, and am researching my 1690-ish army ready to order.

the flags and uniform variety is really appealing for this period, but finding info is a lot harder than in some other periods.

Looking at the LOA site there are some cool looking flags there, so I thought Id build some units around them, but I dont know what colour schemes would apply for the uniforms.

I already have the Garde te voet info from the rulebook, but could anyone please help with uniform info for the following Dutch service units:

Regiments Brandenburg, van Graben, Nassau Ottweilar

Mackay's, & Ramsay's I also found in the rulebook, but dont know about Balfour's

As for the cavalry, Id be looking for half a dozen nice looking units from:

Wurttemberg, Ginkel, Athlone
Berlo 1688/Steyn 1690/Hoornbergh 1695 / Schack 1690 / Steinbeck 1688

Btw, did the Dutch have Cuirassier units?

Sorry if this is a complex question, but as a newbie any help or web links would be much appreciated.

Many thanks in anticipation,


Re: Just starting LOA

Posted: Tue Oct 15, 2013 8:04 pm
by Gerryjd
Hi Biggles,

Welcome to the forum. :)

You'll find the guys are a really friendly, helpful and knowledgeable bunch here, and somebody will have an answer or know a man that does.

To kick off, I believe that Balfours are red jackets with yellow facings. Not sure about the others, but I'm sure the other guys will pitch in. Should add that the search function on the forum is pretty good.



Re: Just starting LOA

Posted: Tue Oct 15, 2013 9:35 pm
by barr7430
Welcome to the Boards....

Mackays - Red faced red
Ramsays Red face white (off white)
Balfours Red faced yellow (very likely white not yellow)

Brandenburg.. off white/light grey faced blue
Van Graben not known but highly likely to be grey/off white with facings of blue or red
Nassau Ottweilar - don't have info but again likely could be grey or off white coat.

Dutch Horse generally did not officially wear cuirasses but what is wrong with a little licence> :wink: You could have the odd unit with cuirass or men wearing cuirass if not the entire unit.

Re: Just starting LOA

Posted: Wed Oct 16, 2013 11:45 am
by Cardinal Biggles
barr7430 wrote:Welcome to the Boards....

Mackays - Red faced red
Ramsays Red face white (off white)
Balfours Red faced yellow (very likely white not yellow)

Brandenburg.. off white/light grey faced blue
Van Graben not known but highly likely to be grey/off white with facings of blue or red
Nassau Ottweilar - don't have info but again likely could be grey or off white coat.

Dutch Horse generally did not officially wear cuirasses but what is wrong with a little licence> :wink: You could have the odd unit with cuirass or men wearing cuirass if not the entire unit.
Thank you barr, that's really helpful. And very colourful.

Just the cavalry to sort out now.......


Re: Just starting LOA

Posted: Wed Oct 16, 2013 4:05 pm
by Grenadier
According to the Hall CD,(if you're at all serious, get them all)

IR 18 Colonels:
Prinz Albrecht(Brandenburg) (1687-1697)

English service 1689-1697

White/grey coats with blue cuffs, waistcoat and breeches. Drummers, sergeants and officers have blue coats with red cuffs, breeches and stockings.

IR 23 Colonels:
Nassau-Saarbrucken(Ottweiler) (1681-1701)

English service 1689-1697

White/grey coats, blue cuffs, stockings, breeches and stockings
Drummers have blue coats with white cuffs and lace, officers have red coats and cuffs.

IR 40 Colonels:
Groben(Graben) (1687-1690)
Auer (1690-1696)

English service 1689-1697

White/grey coats, waistcoat, stockings and breeches, with blue-grey cuffs.
Drummers have blue-grey coats and white cuffs and lace


Re: Just starting LOA

Posted: Wed Oct 16, 2013 5:53 pm
by Adam Hayes
Hi CB,

In ten years time you can look back and pinpoint where the obsession started for you!

Here's my version of Regiment Athlone. Yes they all have cuirasses, no I don't care... :D


My first port of call for uniforms and flags are the Mark Allen series of articles published in Wargames Illustrated. I think back issues or CD collections are available... (I think there is a list of the issues somewhere on this site.)

Re: Just starting LOA

Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2013 2:27 am
by quindia
You can find some of the units you mentioned here... :D

Re: Just starting LOA

Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2013 1:32 pm
by Cardinal Biggles
Fantastic info here. You chaps are clearly so well genn'ed up Im envious!

Final stages of order being put on today, and then submitted. I can hardly wait to get some stuff on the table. This period is just crying out "28mm".

Re: Just starting LOA

Posted: Fri Oct 18, 2013 6:34 pm
by Bitbag
Cardinal Biggles!!

Welcome - I can't add anything specific about the regiments you're seeking info on, but I can't stress enough how welcoming all the chaps are on here. They're even better in real life as well! :D

I got the LOA bug a few months ago, and find the knowledge and warmth on here simply inspiring, on a regular basis. It's simple to ask a question, and the responses are just incredible!! My LOA stuff is on the slow burner at the minute, due to trying to sell our house, but I'm constantly marvelled by the knowledge and help on here.

I'd echo the comments about the Mark Allen plates - they were my starting point for my French forces. Contact Wargames Illustrated, and see if they have any CDs left - I picked mine up directly from their office in Nottingham, but I'm lucky enough to live near there 8) As for the Hall stuff, again I'd definitely recommend it - I picked up one of the Baccus CDs featuring the French Infantry Volume at the recent Castle Donington show, and it's just a mine of information. Baccus were brilliantly helpful as well!!

Good luck with stuff, and keep us up to date with how things are going!


Re: Just starting LOA

Posted: Wed Oct 30, 2013 1:36 am
by conflans
With respect to the cuirass for Dutch horse, Robert Hall and Iain Stanford note that it was in use until 1687 after which it gradually fell into disuse(?) before being reintroduced in the early 1700s. My interpretation of this is to have a mix of cuirass and non-cuirass horse regiments with a few regiments having some, but not all riders so equipped. I can't say with 100 percent certainty that this is how it was but it looks good and is probably not far from the reality, particularly in 1689 or 1690; i.e., the earlier the more you'll more you'll find the cuirass with diminishing percentages as the period wears on.

I'd appreciate anybody else's thoughts as this is rank speculation based on a single quote.

Re: Just starting LOA

Posted: Wed Oct 30, 2013 12:58 pm
by obriendavid
conflans wrote:With respect to the cuirass for Dutch horse, Robert Hall and Iain Stanford note that it was in use until 1687 after which it gradually fell into disuse(?) before being reintroduced in the early 1700s. My interpretation of this is to have a mix of cuirass and non-cuirass horse regiments with a few regiments having some, but not all riders so equipped.
Robert Hall and Iain Stainford weren't there in 1687 until 1700 so they can't say for certain what was going on they can only offer advice from some written documentation of what they think was going on.
They're your figures so you can do what you want with them and I think they look rather good.

Re: Just starting LOA

Posted: Wed Oct 30, 2013 4:27 pm
by Cardinal Biggles
obriendavid wrote:
conflans wrote:With respect to the cuirass for Dutch horse, Robert Hall and Iain Stanford note that it was in use until 1687 after which it gradually fell into disuse(?) before being reintroduced in the early 1700s. My interpretation of this is to have a mix of cuirass and non-cuirass horse regiments with a few regiments having some, but not all riders so equipped.
Robert Hall and Iain Stainford weren't there in 1687 until 1700 so they can't say for certain what was going on they can only offer advice from some written documentation of what they think was going on.
They're your figures so you can do what you want with them and I think they look rather good.
Yes I agree, Ive ordered a unit in cuirasses which I will spread across two units in a 60:40 ratio. So if I need them to count as cuirass, then I have a mainly cuirassed unit which will be used as Cuirassier. Conversely,, there are plain coats there if Im using them as conventional cavalry.

Im starting with the infantry first - thanks for the uniform info gentlemen, - then I'll do the cavalry when I have a bit more research done into the uniforms.

Re: Just starting LOA

Posted: Wed Oct 30, 2013 11:42 pm
by conflans

I like your post. Good advice, right to the point and very pragmatic.



Re: Just starting LOA

Posted: Fri Nov 22, 2013 7:56 pm
by Cardinal Biggles
Sincere thanks for all of these replies. Very very helpful. My army (1st army????!!!! :lol: ) arrived last week and still has the drool marks on it from when I opened it. What a fantastic period. That's my christmas holiday painting sorted out!

"My first port of call for uniforms and flags are the Mark Allen series of articles published in Wargames Illustrated. I think back issues or CD collections are available... (I think there is a list of the issues somewhere on this site.)"

That's an excellent idea, thanks. Especially as now Ive just bought my army i wont be able to afford the Baccus ROMs anytime soon.

Does anyone know which WI have the Dutch units in please?

Many thanks again for your fantastic responses to this thread.


Re: Just starting LOA

Posted: Sat Nov 23, 2013 9:29 am
by Glorfindel

This is the full list of Grand Alliance era Mark Allen articles taken from a previous post on this forum:

The War of the Grand Alliance Pt.1 No.27 P16
The War of the Grand Alliance 1688-1697 Pt.2 No.32 P14
The War of the Grand Alliance Pt.3 No.36 P40
The War of the Grand Alliance Pt.4 No.41 P16
The War of the Grand Alliance Pt.5 No.49 P14
The War of the Grand Alliance Pt.6 No.51 P15
The War of the Grand Alliance Pt.7 No.52 P14
The War of the Grand Alliance Pt.8 (The Irish) No.54 P38
The War of the Grand Alliance Pt.9 No.59 P14
The War of the Grand Alliance Pt.10 No, 61 P14
Infantry of the War of the Spanish Succession Pt.1 No.62 P14
French Infantry Regiments of the War of the Spanish Succession Pt.2 No.64 P37
French Infantry Regiments of the War of the Spanish Succession Pt.3 No.65 P38
The Army of Louis XIV during the Wars of the Grand Alliance Pt.1 No.66 P36
The Army of Louis XIV during the Wars of the Grand Alliance Pt.4 No.68 P14
Building a War games Army Pt.1 No.74 P16
The Army of Louis XIV during the Wars of the Grand Alliance Pt.3 No.77 P14
Building a War games Army Pt.2 No.79 P42
Building a War games Army Pt.3 No.82 P42
Building a War games Army Pt.4 No.83 P42
Building a War games Army Pt.5 No.101 P38
The British Army 1660-1702 No.123 P16
The British Army 1660-1702 Pt.2 No.125 P44
The British Army 1660-1702 No.126 P12
The Armies of James II & William III No.127 P42
The Armies of James II & William III – Flags No.128 P44
The Dutch Infantry in the Reign of William III No.170 P34
William III’s Dutch Guards No.139 P44
The Dutch Cavalry in the Reign of William III No.173 P14
The Dutch Dragoons and Artillery in the Reign of William III No.174 P34
The Dutch Cavalry in the Reign of William III ‘cont’ No.174 P38
The Dutch Army of William III – Allies and Generals No.175 P16

Hope this helps,
