A Newcomer's Lament

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A Newcomer's Lament

Post by Artimas » Sat Jan 04, 2014 10:49 pm

My decision to resume painting after a hiatus of almost 14 years, has resulted in my discovery of the League of Augsburg and the era it represents. Unfortunately, I know little or nothing about the wars of 1660-1720, so my first purchases will be some of the relevant books on the subject. I already have a BLB ruleset to start off.
The second challenge becomes, what country to represent and I think that it must be the French, although I have been a life-long Anglophile.
Why French? That goes back to my collage days: I spent one entire semester of my junior year reading the complete works of Alexandre Dumas' fictionalized history of France, including the famous The Three Musketeers, The Man in the Iron Mask and Twenty Years After, which I believe, falls in the time period under discussion. As an aside, needless to say, my father was forced to pay for another semester of school since I neglected my studies and flunked out.
Jefferson City, Missouri USA
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Re: A Newcomer's Lament

Post by janner » Sun Jan 05, 2014 9:17 am

Excellent choice and welcome. I think this means that I'm no longer the new boy :)
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