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New range of 1866 figures from Helion

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2007 10:08 pm
by parkinspieces
I've just received a provisonal listing of a new 25/28mm range of 1866 figures from Helion. This is a brand new range and not a re-issue of their range from the late 90's.

The provisional listing is as follows: :D
Prussian Line Infantry advancing/charging
Prussian Ulans (reserve and charging)
Prussian Line Artillery icl. guns, limbers etc
Austrian German Infantry charing
Austrian Hussars (reserve and charging)
Austrian Artillery incl guns, limbers etc.

Other plans include Prussian Guard and even some Prussians for the 1864 campaign but of course the 1866 Prussians can also be used gor 1870 as
most of the Infantry were still waring the older M60Pickelhaube in the Franco Prussian war.

They will have a website up and running soon (next 7-10 days) which can be found at

Hopefully this range will expand further as they also want to cover the Italian and West German theatre's as well as the current planned Bohemian theatre.

All in all it's excellent news. :lol:


Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 12:28 pm
by paulos
Just had a look at the web site. The photo of the advancing Prussians looks good even unpainted 8) .

Can't seem to find any details on cost unless I can't see for looking :? .

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 6:50 pm
by thinredline
£8.50 for 8 infantry variants, or
£8.50 for 3 cavalry and horses
P&P + 10%, (minimum £2.00)
Prices under "Downloadable Catalogue"


Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2007 5:32 pm
by paulos
Doh! Cheers mate I knew it would be some where fairly obvious.