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No Hope For ThinRedLine - Radetzky Miniatures are at it too!

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 6:01 pm
by PaulMc
You will soon be spoilt for choice Bob! :lol:

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 6:34 pm
by barr7430
this may seem like an odd thing to request Paul but if I send an image to you do you know how to upload it to the forum?? :shock:

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 10:47 pm
by thinredline
Jings, help, crivvens, ma boab :!:

Soon be spoilt for choice :wink: Ta for the heads up Paul


Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2010 6:51 am
by Atheling
thinredline wrote:Jings, help, crivvens, ma boab :!:

Soon be spoilt for choice :wink: Ta for the heads up Paul

It's an inevitability for me now :lol: .


Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2010 8:21 am
by barr7430
Go on Darrell... you know you want to! :lol:

Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2010 5:50 am
by Atheling
barr7430 wrote:Go on Darrell... you know you want to! :lol:
I've already dipped my toes at Partizan.... one unit of Brits in forage caps and most of a unit of Russians, just waiting for them to release the Grenadiers now to complete the unit and get some paint on them!

All GWM but I'm waiting to see if the two companies will mix and match.


Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2010 9:19 pm
by dave a
The Russian Grenadiers should now be available

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 9:51 am
by obriendavid
I hope that you are also going to do lots of Russkies in caps so that I can add them into my Napoleonic Russians?

When are you going to start on the real fighters, the Turks?
Already had the war won before these pesky allies turned up and continued things for another two years.


Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 3:34 pm
by Atheling
dave a wrote:The Russian Grenadiers should now be available
Yep, they're on the North Star site now. just got to figure out how big to model my Russian regiments on and then buy the Grenadiers.


Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 4:10 pm
by thinredline
Russian Regiments in the field comprised four battalions of 900 men. On paper they numbered 1055 and also had a 5th Reserve and 6th Depot battalions.


Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 10:03 pm
by parkinspieces

Could you tell me the average "field" strength of the Brits, French and Turks in the Crimea as it is something we've not all been able to decide on at our club?



Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 10:11 pm
by parkinspieces
:oops: posted on the wrong topic, I'll try again:

Dave O, Yes Turks but surley French first please!!!!

Dave A, I've copied the Turkish info Aly asked me for at Partizan and I'll pass it on via my mate @ Forgeworld to you/Aly and hope it is of use (Aly asked me to email it but I've lost your email address ).

Aly tells me....and I realise this might be news to you ..but he said that the two you are probably going to do an Alma demo game next year!!!

Sorry I missed you at the show, I had good long chat with Aly, hopefully catch you at the next one.



Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 10:08 am
by thinredline
Embarkation figures put a typical British Battalion at 32 Officers, 45 Sergeants, 15 drummers/buglers and 850 other ranks, total of 942 Officers and men. Those figures are depleted by cholera, dysentry etc before the Alma takes place. Sick at revellie, dead by lunch, and buried by sunset ! (on the same day) So the full strength was not available at the first engagement. Reserves and recruitment at home had to be augmented with raising Foreign Legions (Italian, Swiss and German). Additionally, Britain paid for the services of the Sardinian/Piedmontese (17,000 men) I have casualty figures for the Alma, but not actual roll call figures for the units before the outset of battle. Consider that more men were lost to disease cold and malnutrition than through enemy action !

British Cavalry robbed men and horses from all over to present operational regiments of two squadrons each of about 160 men, eg 4th Dragoon Guards had 20 Officers, 18 Sergeants, 4 Buglers and 275 other ranks, total 317 formed into 2 squadrons. Loss of horses through "staggers" shipwreck, malnutrition and disease in Bulgaria led to shortage of suitable mounts.

At Balaclava, the Light Brigage compised 673 men in 10 squadrons, Heavy Brigade 750 - 800 in 10 squadrons.

Figures for Turks and French, not as much detail here, 30,000 French, 7,000 Turks. These forces increased (especially French) as war progressed.

Trust info is of some use, and refer ISBN:185818015 5 - Crimeas War Basics - Britain, France & Sardinia by Michael Cox & John Lennon.
