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New 28mm Franco-Prussian Range due September

Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2013 2:36 pm
by parkinspieces
For anyone interested and hasn't seen the post on TMP by "Skygalleons", he has announced that he will be releasing a new 28mm Franco-Prussian range at this years Colours show, here in the UK.

See below the blurb posted on TMP;

"I am in the process of producing a range of figures for the Franco Prussian War, I am starting with the French, with line, Turcos, Zouaves and Guard (in bearskins and bonnet de police).
I am aiming to release the first of the figures at Colours this year.
If you have a look at my website – there is a section there on the releases – also pictures of the greens – the two Guards are slightly incorrect and will be refined – the sword if off – just the bayonet scabbard.
You can email me through [email protected] – once I have them back from the casters, I will post off some samples – will send where ever.
Also I would appreciate all feedback, good and bad – this is a period that I have always wanted to do, and though it will take time, want to do as complete as possible.
The figures stand 28mm foot to eye, so maybe slightly bigger than Foundry"

I will be looking forward to see how they turn out, I really could do with topping up my F/P lead pile to paint :roll:



Re: New 28mm Franco-Prussian Range due September

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2013 9:01 am
by Ben Waterhouse
Looking at the masters, they look a bit "chunky" for my taste.