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17th Lancers, Gurkha and Skinners Horse flags

Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2014 5:10 pm
by nevermore
17th Lancers, Gurkha and Skinners Horse flags

The 1844 Regulations colours saw the renaming of both the Kings and second colour.
The former was retitled the Royal colour and the latter finally recieved the offical recognition as the Regimental Colour.
These flags can be used from the period 1844 - 1858,the flags are created onto a A4 size sheet these are as follows - 93rd highlanders,95th foot,Gurka-Goorkha,79th Highlanders and the Gurkha-Kumaon, 17th Lancers and Skinners Horse all come as the Regimental and Royal Colours and are free of charge.

17th Lancers, this is taken off a kettle drum, the 16th Lancers had the same but with lance pennants on the kettle drum and flag, now i could'nt find the 17th flag so i'm am going off the drum kettle, if anybody else know what the flag looked like please let me know

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Gurkha - Goorka regiment, during the Indian Mutiny and before the war the Gurkha regiments carried the regiment flags into battle as strange as it seems, here i found the details of two Gurkha regiments

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Skinners Horse, again it seems strange that the horse was facing outwards from the staff all details on the flag and position of details are put to as close i could get them to be

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If you use our downloadable flags or just enjoy the site we would be grateful if you would consider making a donation to Henry Hydes battlegames charity appeal in aid of the Combat Stress charity. We donated £100 from club funds recently and are keen to help further. It is a great charity Please support it