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Schleswig Holstein war 1864 - 28mm

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2015 9:33 am
by nevermore
Schleswig Holstein war 1864 - 28mm

Great game at the club, plenty of laughs and banter, idea was for the Prussian/Holstein army with some Austrians to get the Danish army from the trenches, once that happened they fell back to the vauban fort and it was game over.

Lots of figures and rules used for this was the Victorian Steel 1839-1901
More photos at in the gallery, 53 in total part two next week.

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The Danes planned to defend the ancient DANEWERK (Danevirke in Danish, an earthen wall crossing the peninsula north of the Eider River. That plan soon was given up as there were no barracks and the line was in no condition to be held.

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The Danish army, 40,000 men, withdrew toward Flensburg. The Danish army was no match for the combined Prusso-Austrian forces. In the BATTLE OF HELGOLAND (May 9th) the Danish Navy scored a victory over the Austrian Navy, although no ships were sunk.

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Meanwhile, , the Danish land forces were defeated by the Prussian forces near DYBBØL (April 18th; in German : Düppel); all of Jutland was occupied by Prussian and Austrian troops. At Dybboel the Prussians suffered 1201 dead and wounded, the Danes 1669. On April 29th, the Danish fortress FREDERICIA surrendered.

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Truce negotiations held in London since April 25th collapsed on June 20th. The Germans occupied the Jutland peninsula (kune/July) and the island of Als (June) (in German : Alsen). At Als the Danish losses numbered 3,148, the Prussian ones 372). On October 30th truce was finally signed; on November 16th, the allied Austrian and Prussian troops evacuated Jutland.

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During the war, the Danish Army (40,000 men) had faced 28,500 Austrians and 43,500 Prussians (on both sides the Navy not included). In total, the Danes lost 14,460 men, of them 3,151 dead, the Prussians lost 3,536 men, of them 1,048 dead, the Austrian lost 1,164 men.

Scenery by GWS