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1644 question

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2007 6:10 pm
by paulos
Played a game of 1644 the other night and had a situation arise that you guys may be able to help with.

A melee took place between 3 cavalry regiments 1 royalist 2 parliament all charged into the melee at he same time however the royalists beat 1 unit and drew with the other. The Royalist reg was trained with CF 5 the parliament units were raw CF3 and trained CF4. We fought it as 2 seperate melees meaning that 1 defeated unit was pushed back and the other was held in combat. The casualties were placed on the units as appropriate.

The question is have we done this correctly or should it be counted as one melee with the side that accumulates the most casualties losing regardless of wether the individual units won drew ar lost their particular combat?

Sorry to have rambled on I think my age is beginning to catch up with me impending 40th and all that. :( :? :roll:

Hope somone can help.

Cheers Paul.

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 12:08 pm
by azeroth
Hi Paulos,

On Reading the rules 3 times to make sure i get it right, the mele is treated as one regardless of number of units involved, hence the rules referring to the side winning etc. If the royalist scum (oops sorry) sufferd more casualtied overall then they are the losers and take the consequences as per the rules.

Hope this helps

For God and Parliament


Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2007 10:22 am
by paulos
Hi Ian,

Thanks for the advice mate played another game on Thursday and everything went swimmingly apart from the fact that Skipons brave boys (me) lost the day :oops: :cry: never mind there's always next time.

Cheers Paul.

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2007 2:01 pm
by azeroth
Anytime Paul, happy to help

personally I like 1644, prefer them to WECW but haven't got my army anywhere near finished yet due to work and the other stuff that seems to come along. I need to finish them off though and then start the hunt for an opponent around these parts lol.
