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Swedish Sashes

Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2010 12:23 am
by dashing blade
Can anyone help me with a small problem?

I've been asked to paint some swedish TYW troops for a mate, whilst there's a fair bit of info on the net about Swedish uniforms ( or lack of )
I've seen sashes for the Blue Regiment(1628 Blue Regt, not the old blue mercanary regt) as yellow,orange and of course blue. Ospery seem reliable, but i cant get hold of the TYW Swedish Infantry book as its currently out of print. All the officers and some pikemen have sashes in the unit , would they be the same colour? :?


Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2010 1:25 am
by dashing blade
Just found a site that states officers wore Blue and Yellow sashes!
Still not sure about rank and file,the same source also mentions blue hat bands with yellow trim. :o

Re: Swedish Sashes

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2011 4:53 pm
by Arthur
Not exactly a timely answer as it's been 16 months since the original post, but hey, I only registered on this forum yesterday :mrgreen:

Brzezinski's take on Swedish sashes during the TYW is that the most likely colours are green and black. His evidence for this is peripheral at best, but one of the first things you learn when researching C17th uniforms are the limits of the word 'certainty'. Blue may have been used by some individuals, but green is the most likely contender, especially from the 1630's onwards.

The mixed blue and yellow sashes look like a complete fabrication to me : they seem rather anachronistic and I wouldn't be surprised if someone simply took the traditional Swedish colours of the C18th and applied them to C17th sashes. Ditto for the hat bands, which sound frankly bizarre.

Re: Swedish Sashes

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 8:44 am
by dashing blade
Arthur, I'm afraid they've gone to someones collection now! However,reading your post,yellow and blue hatbands does sound a little odd!I think i got carried away with the overall look of the units . My only excuse being that it made the Swedes stand out amongst their German allies. :oops:
Still, my mates happy with them.(He also likes marmite,so he's views are suspect at best. :lol:

Re: Swedish Sashes

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2011 4:02 pm
by Arthur
That yellow and blue scheme looks definitely anachronistic to me for the Thirty Years War - though it was apparently used on the canvas covers of Swedish ammunition wagons.

By law, Marmite automatically disqualifies anyone when it comes to discussing C17th uniforms. Whereas Vegemite leaves your military street cred more or less intact but will permanently damage any semblance of social life :mrgreen:

Re: Swedish Sashes

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2011 12:06 am
by dashing blade
By the same token, I knew somebody who ate Star Bar sandwhiches on a regular basis,no one ever asked he's opinion on anything :shock: