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Ren gaming rules?

Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2010 6:01 pm
by flick40
This is the closest forum for this question.
I am considering taking the plunge into another period, the mid to later 1500s. French wars of religion and all that. My question is rules, what to use? I am looking for something playable, non competition driven, has a decisive conclusion and gives a reasonable facsimile of the period. Fun is automatic as long as were playing. I have DBR, and read about DBA-RRR both of which are competition based. The bonus for DBR is the army lists. Not enough figures on the table with DBA-RRR. Other than those rules I am unfamiliar with others. Suggestions?


Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2010 8:40 pm
by Bluebear
I know that the old WRG rules by Gush are popular in some quarters, but I found them way too "laundry list" competitive for my taste.

The (free) "Basic Baroque" supplement for Impetus or the (free) Basic Impetus has had a lot of positive feedback that I've seen. Check these out at the following site:

Note that you'll have to hunt around a bit. Basic Impetus is free download (and apparently quite popular); Impetus is more complex and comes in a nice glossy format; Basic Baroque is again a .pdf download (as are army lists).

Hope that this helps.

-- Jeff