Indian Mutiny 28mm Foundry figures.

OK, so after two years I've finally given in to having a section of the FORUM specifically set up to discuss painting techniques, display examples, show your latest projects and chat about this vital part of the hobby. Manufacturers please feel free to post up your sculpts, ask questions about what the gamers are after and generally promote your work.. no charge! Painters, please also feel free to post up your work for comment and critique. I can't promise the unreserved adulation characteristic of some other fora but I would hope you'd get constructive and measured comment!
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Indian Mutiny 28mm Foundry figures.

Post by counterattack71 » Mon Jan 17, 2011 8:52 pm

Part way through my Indian Mutiny models I bought from the Foundry open day at Christmas.

Picked up 3 or so boxes of twenty models each from their bargain section (£5 per box). Since then I've grabbed some sepoys and an Elephant pulling a limber, along with some nice looking Brits (although I've not started on these yet).

My link below takes you to the photos I've put up on the blog site. I've now got another load of the Warriors done which I'll post up soon enough.

Prior to this I was batch painting French Napoleonics, so it's been nice to allow myself some variation in the clothing etc.

I've a couple of questions about what ruleset to go for, so if you've any advice please look in the relevant section and respond. Any help would be much appreciated.

"To understand the social processes and conflicts, the interplay between individual and group, even the physicality of human experience, we have the need of small scale models" - Will Self.
Rob Herrick
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Post by Rob Herrick » Tue Jan 18, 2011 4:46 am

Wait, 20 Foundry for five pounds?

Lucky you! They're wicked expensive on this side of the pond!
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