Franco Prussian 28mm game

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Franco Prussian 28mm game

Post by nevermore » Wed Jun 29, 2011 6:55 pm

rest of the photos are on the website...enjoy





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Re: Franco Prussian 28mm game

Post by obriendavid » Wed Jun 29, 2011 7:30 pm

Nice looking game, what figure to men scale and rules do you use?
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Re: Franco Prussian 28mm game

Post by nevermore » Wed Jun 29, 2011 8:13 pm

All 28mm Renegade WW1 french infantry (same uniform as 1870) Old Glory for Legion - Chassuers ... Zouaves from 28 mm ACW, french cuirassiers from Napoleonic 1815 and dragoons...prussian are all Hellion figs...rules used are Black Powder.

Played 2 large games now and we think we got it right...over a 1000 figs on table and it was very closed in both games

Franco Prussian Black Powder stats




A number of Grimsby members gamed the F.P. and we came up with what we thought was the
best stats for the B.P.
First is the Chassepot and Needle distance,many people have said the Chassepot should be double
the Needle,on a 5 foot wide table (Which i guess most tables are or 4 foot) it simply does not work,so
we had to reduce this down and give a bonus elsewhere.The range is Needle 18 and the Chassepot
24 ... reason for this is that the French did a move forward (3 turns-36 inch) then opened fire upon the
Prussian Brigade,first turn they became disordered and one Battalion had to roll for moral and had to retire off the field before the Prussians even had a turn.
Sounds great for the french but spoils the feel for the game and a full Brigade was gone before we knew it,so we reduce the range and gave the French Sharp shooters bonus and because the Prussians
where mostly aggressive and attacked in numbers they move first.
Cavalry was also changed,they could not do a frontal attack unless a unit was shaken,they had to find a way around the flanks and rear,but we gave the Prussian cavalry a bonus the french could not have and that is the "Von Bredow death ride" you have 1 in 3 chance of doing this so you proberly will only use it when things are desperate,which is what really happened anyway.
The death ride is a frontal attack,move into position and roll a 5 or 6 on a d6,if successful panic sets in on the french unit and they may not fire but move straight onto melee.
Prone is also used,any unit may use this with a -1 to hit the prone unit,if charged the unit may go from prone but loses the fire and straight into melee they go.
Mitrailleuse must be attached to a artillery piece,which the French did as it was a secret weapon and must not fall into enemy hands,if the artillery piece is destroyed the mitrailleuse retires off the field,even if the gun is attacked the mitrailleuse will leave the field,the french never used the mitrailleuse to its full use and so rather than let it fall into enemy hands they attached it to a gun.
We also used Valiant break test for the prussians,each brigade was given one,since they were attacking they need some thing to help them as they get more casualties than the french.
Staff rating was changed,we did not want the french to be reduced to a 7 as this is to much of a punishment so we kept it at 8...the prussians were given a worked perfectly which we wanted,this gives the prussians to out-manouvre the french and a flank attacked did happen during the game and push the french towards the center.
When gaming the Franco-Prussian war remember you can use World war one and two buildings (we used the ruins buildings),use hedge-rows in the fields,farm buildings ect..the right flank in our game was a open play...thats how we came to the conclusion of the chassepot needle gun distance...overall it was a top game and very enjoyable and if you feel you may wish to change the stats,by all means do so.
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Re: Franco Prussian 28mm game

Post by obriendavid » Thu Jun 30, 2011 2:45 pm

All the amendments sound quite good but I just don't like BP, had too many games with poor results and haven't enjoyed a single game. There were quite a number at my club that started using BP last year for big games but over the last few months a number have become dissatisfied with the historical feel of the rules, especially for SYW and Napoleonics. I haven't tried them for SYW but did try them for Marlburian and thought the battle was a shambles and had absolutely no flavour for the period.
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Re: Franco Prussian 28mm game

Post by j1mwallace » Thu Jun 30, 2011 5:46 pm

I'll not say I disagree Dave but we have played a fairly large number of BP games and the guys at our club have always enjoyed them. They are fast and give a good game BUT the guys playing have to be of a like mind with no attempting to abuse or manipulate the rules.
There are a set of unofficial but very good Marlburian amendments which we have used on several occasions.
I think that it depends on what you are looking for. Same with the new Hail Caesar. They've been enjoyable enough that i've now got most of a Roman army for the first time in 30 years!
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Re: Franco Prussian 28mm game

Post by obriendavid » Thu Jun 30, 2011 7:24 pm

Jim there's no problem about disagreeing we all have our own ideas of what we want from rules.

Bill Gilchrist sent me a copy of the BP ammendments and although we haven't used them for a Marlburian game yet, and I can think of another new set I would rather play with, but we did try some of the ammendments in the last couple of AWI games we played. Still didn't like the rules. People keep telling me the rules give you a fast, fun game yet none of the games I have ever played in moved fast infact watching some the Napoleonic ones at the club the other week I thought how slow they were compared to R2E and they weren't fun. Actually throwing the rules at the figures would give a fast game and the pain at seeing your lovely toys getting knocked about might actually give more of historical effect.
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Re: Franco Prussian 28mm game

Post by kippax » Sun Jul 03, 2011 7:34 am

Actually throwing the rules at the figures would give a fast game and the pain at seeing your lovely toys getting knocked about might actually give more of historical effect.

How many have felt like that before ... :lol:
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Re: Franco Prussian 28mm game

Post by Rob Herrick » Sun Jul 03, 2011 6:02 pm

You probably want to cut down on the needle-gun range. Right now, it's got the same range as French artillery. Since the French expected to fight at 2300yards (that's what their fuses were set for) while the Dreyse didn't have much more range than a rifled muzzle-loader (~400 yards for sustained fire), that's a bit much.

Prussian infantry that are under the guns of French infantry should die in job lots. The FPW is one of the few wars where almost ALL one side's casualties were caused by small-arms fire.
With Gen'l Custer Down in Mexico: Yes, one of the goals is to see how many times one can get him killed.
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