Hanover 76 cold war

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Hanover 76 cold war

Post by nevermore » Mon Nov 19, 2012 12:11 pm

The Battle for Hannover, West Germany, 1976

The Battlefield
The battlefield has the B214 running down the length of the table, with the British being deployed up to the half-way mark and the Soviets entering the opposite table edge using mobile deployment. The game is played down the length of the table, rather than across the width. There is a hamlet along the main road. The surrounding area is composed of open fields, interspersed with gentle hills and sparse woodland.

Before The Battle
Both sides rolled for air superiority, with the British gaining the upper hand: they had partial air superiority for the duration of the battle. The British player then elected the block of flats as the location for the ambush and left three infantry units off-table in his reserve pool. The Soviet player determined his four scheduled air strikes as follows:

Another 55 photos uploaded on the website making a grand total of 110 of this battle gamed at the club, enjoy malc the manc.

1-Turn 2, woods on the left flank
2-Turn 2, church
3-Turn 3, furthest house, left of road
4-Turn 3, furthest house, right of road

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