Something new...

OK, so after two years I've finally given in to having a section of the FORUM specifically set up to discuss painting techniques, display examples, show your latest projects and chat about this vital part of the hobby. Manufacturers please feel free to post up your sculpts, ask questions about what the gamers are after and generally promote your work.. no charge! Painters, please also feel free to post up your work for comment and critique. I can't promise the unreserved adulation characteristic of some other fora but I would hope you'd get constructive and measured comment!
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Something new...

Post by Heneborn » Tue Nov 25, 2008 11:51 am

It's been a while since I posted here, and actually it's been a while since I painted any swedes or danes, I've been slaving away on my FOW :wink:

Well anyway, heres a unit I recently completed.

These followed along with some stuff I bought on ebay and I wasn't really sure what to do with them until I saw this painting in one of my books.
It's a painting by Vilhelm Rosenstand depicting the students of copenhagen taking up arms to defend their city in 1659 against the swedish besiegers. I thoght the models and the painting were so alike I just had to do a unit of Copenhagen miltia :D They would fit well in to a "what-if" scenario if Charles XII had attacked copenhagen in 1700.
I don't know the manufacturer of the figures and they look really shiny in the picture, and now I see I have forgot to repaint the edges ofthe bases in black, well well...
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