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Westphalien and Saxon Troops 1812

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2009 2:48 pm
by Anonymous

now that RtE is finaly arrived its time for me to place here a few pics of my playing troops, the Westphalien Army....

1st Division:

The Guard Troops


To be honnest, I dind't paint them but my friend Niel Wilson(UK)

Playing troops because after more then 10 years absence from wargaming and painting I needed something to play with while I was starting again to paint my own troops, in this case the Saxon 1810. I must say that my painting style is no match with the masters here, i.e., Barry, Clarence, Ray and so many others. But I am confident that I will find my way of improvement...

Here a pic of the saxon Garde du Corps:


And last but not least the Regiment König on my workbench:


Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2009 3:45 pm
by barr7430
I look forward to hearing about their battlefield exploits with R2E!!!!

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2009 5:33 pm
by Anonymous
As You command General Hilton :D

Some more pics of the Westphaliens


They are not many yet, but its a start :D

Figures are Front Rank of course, flags are from Flagdude

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2009 6:17 pm
by barr7430
You have enough troops to fight a 3-4 hour battle with R2E. All I would recommend is a couple more guns and another regiment of cavalry but actually you don't even need that. This is a similar sized force to the Dutch Belgian order of Battle in the Pierrrepont Farm scenario.. 8)

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2009 6:28 pm
by Heneborn
Always inspirational to see the "group shots" so to speak! They all look fine to me, keep up the good work!

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2009 11:29 pm
by Atheling
Heneborn wrote:Always inspirational to see the "group shots" so to speak!
They all look fine to me, keep up the good work!
And me too! Excellent work sir 8) 8) 8)



Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2009 12:09 am
by Anonymous
Thank you for your comments. I noticed that my Guards weren't that well to be seen on there only picture so I will show them in more detailed views..

The Grenadier-Garde, the figures are Steve Barber

The Jäger Garde

and the Elite Carabinier Jäger

And to inspire those who like group shots or larger views I have this one


Hope You enjoy it as much as I do :D

All comments are welcome



Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2009 1:15 am
by obriendavid
Your figures look even better in the second lot of photographs and that's a good sized force you have. It is also nice to see a force that isn't composed of the usual French troops that one normally sees. I had a 15mm Saxon army many years ago which I sold along with all my other Napoleonic collection and seeing your troops makes me think of redoing them again in the future along with the Westphalians, and Italians but only once I get my Russian army finished then my French, Poles, Brits and Americans. One day..... :?


Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2009 9:44 am
by Atheling
obriendavid wrote:Your figures look even better in the second lot of photographs and that's a good sized force you have. It is also nice to see a force that isn't composed of the usual French troops that one normally sees. I had a 15mm Saxon army many years ago which I sold along with all my other Napoleonic collection and seeing your troops makes me think of redoing them again in the future along with the Westphalians, and Italians but only once I get my Russian army finished then my French, Poles, Brits and Americans. One day..... :?

Maybe that's why I haven't painted a single Napoleonic mini for myself since I was eleven :lol: .

Seriously though, kudos to anyone who tackles more than one Napoleonic army has my respect.



PS. Dave, check the club forum for my announcement :?: .

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2009 10:10 am
by Anonymous
obriendavid wrote: ........I had a 15mm Saxon army many years ago which I sold along with all my other Napoleonic collection and seeing your troops makes me think of redoing them again in the future along with the Westphalians, and Italians but only once I get my Russian army finished then my French, Poles, Brits and Americans. One day..... :?

Hi Dave,

Same here. When starting the Westphaliens and the Saxons I asked myself " Why not doing Poles as well?" :D
The great scheme is to gather the 3 Corps of the Right Wing Grande Armee 1812 all in all about, on RtE terms, 4000 figures including the Polish, Saxon and Westphalien Corps and the IV. Cavalry Corps as well.
The reason: Not one french Soldier in these Corps, all foreign and the best troops in Napoleons Europe. That will keep me busy for the next Years I think... :D


Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2009 1:51 pm
by obriendavid
MarechalNey wrote:
obriendavid wrote: ........I had a 15mm Saxon army many years ago which I sold along with all my other Napoleonic collection and seeing your troops makes me think of redoing them again in the future along with the Westphalians, and Italians but only once I get my Russian army finished then my French, Poles, Brits and Americans. One day..... :?

Hi Dave,

Same here. When starting the Westphaliens and the Saxons I asked myself " Why not doing Poles as well?" :D
The great scheme is to gather the 3 Corps of the Right Wing Grande Armee 1812 all in all about, on RtE terms, 4000 figures including the Polish, Saxon and Westphalien Corps and the IV. Cavalry Corps as well.
The reason: Not one french Soldier in these Corps, all foreign and the best troops in Napoleons Europe. That will keep me busy for the next Years I think... :D

One of my plans for the future is to have all the units for a refight of Utitsa which is the French right flank at Borodino where the force is composed of mostly Poles supported by the Westphalians. The Russians facing them are also a good mixture of troop types with grenadier divison including the Pavlov grenadiers supported by other infantry and the Moscow militia and cosacks. But before I finish my project I also have Borodino to organize as a LOGW display game for 2012.


Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2009 2:41 pm
by Anonymous
Hi Dave,

wow, thats a huge project, even if you want to do only the right wing of Borodino. That will need quite a couple of models :shock:
On my part I go to strengthen my Westphaliens in the next months so they reach 15 batallions, 5 batteries and about 4 regiments of cavalry. After that or maybe between I paint my Saxons a bit further to bring them to 2 brigades infantry, 1 cavalry brigade and a 4 batteries like this

The single gun model to the right is one of their 4 gun Regimental Batteries

The funny part is, if someone can say this about war, that 1812-2012 will see some rare battlescenes, ie., Russian against Prussians or Russians against Austrians.

Best wishes

Westphalien and Saxon Troops 1812

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2009 4:15 pm
by Churchill

Re: Westphalien and Saxon Troops 1812

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2009 7:42 pm
by Anonymous
Churchill wrote:Hi Gunter,

What a nice force of Napoleonic's you have, they look very impressive.
My own on going project is Waterloo in 15mm which I started in 1997 with the French.I'm doing every battalion of infantry,regiment of cavalry and battery of artillery at a scale of 1 figure represents 50 real men and 1 artillery model per battery.The French are finished and it comes to just over 1,300 figures.The Prussians are almost finished and then it will be the turn of the Anglo-Allied's.I've got the table tiles to represent the battlefield and the buildings for Hougomont, La Haye Sainte, Papelotte and Plancenoit.
I'm also working on two british light cavalry brigades using Front Rank figures in 28mm.

Please give us a battle report when you get to use them :wink:

Best Wishes........Ray.
Hi Ray,

Thank You for that compliment!
If I had heared earlier about this monster of yours I could have contributed some 45`frog' batallions to your work. They are from the Ney's III.Corps at Lützen plus the 1st division of the Young guard, some 14 batallions. The scale is like yours 1:50 as we played after 'The Age of Eagles'-Rules. Now they are standing useless in a vitrine and waiting for better days :(

I hope to start with RtE this year after our little game next weekend.


Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 2:13 pm
by Anonymous

for those who may be interested who this friend of mine ist who did this fine painting job (and by taking the posts of steve as a hint :wink:) I herewith give you Neils page so he may take credit from what I posted here

Best wishes
