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Terrain for demo game at Wargamer show in December

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2011 8:55 pm
by Gary
Yes, an 8 x 6 feet terrain layout for a Thirty Years War game using my 28mm figures, plus any I can borrow or steal to boost overall numbers. I have it in mind to paint up a couple of extra command stands for that eventuality, so all those uber-dull ECW figures can fight as Imperialists/ Protties.

The Wargamer show is at Great Barr in Birmingham (that's England, not Alabama) on December 11th.

Do pop along and say "Hello" - I had better get the project finished now!

I have never built terrain before, and I have to say I am thoroughly enthused by the whole thing. Very therapeutic, even if materials costs are stretching a bit.........

It is a good job I have a lovely wife. (There, I said it, and she will not even be reading this!!!!!)


Re: Terrain for demo game at Wargamer show in December

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2011 6:14 pm
by tonyd
I'll say hello to you Gary as I'm there as well with my "Sharpe's Sorrow" peninsular skirmish game. See you on Sunday

Tony Dillon


Re: Terrain for demo game at Wargamer show in December

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2011 12:19 am
by Gary

Looking forward to it.
Just a week to go.
Just as long as I can get the Swedish Yellow Regt finished and the Imperialist Aldringen one.....all will be fine!

See you there,


Re: Terrain for demo game at Wargamer show in December

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:17 pm
by Gary
Hi all,

A good day in all and my little outfit went away with best demo game!!!

Tony - great to meet you and put a face to the name.

Men of the match - the Swedish Yellow regiment I finished yesterday, just in time for the show.

Gary :D

Re: Terrain for demo game at Wargamer show in December

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:59 pm
by tonyd
A well deserved win by your good self Gary.
My Peninsular game came to an abrupt end the move after Sharpe and Harper (with 10 other riflemen) burst into a house and found Obidiah Hakesill alone. He was promptly shot , but as the riflemen left the building a load of Frenchmen jumped and they got clobbered. Pity really as I was doing quite well as Sweet William on the other side of the village. Never mind, c'est la guerre.