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How to create a colonial wagon Laager

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2014 3:03 pm
by nevermore
How to create a colonial wagon Laager

I have always wanted to create my own wagon for the colonial period, get the feel of Blood River ox wagon laager, making a wagon seems simple enough, but i wanted alot of wagons.

Cash springs to mind, so ok its got to be cheap, i always some of my wagons with a canvas cover, they make a wagon look good, then i came up with a perfect idea that made it look right.

Heres how i did it, if you want to copy it you can download from the workbench on the website i have no problems with that.
Total cost for making a wagon with canvas = less than 10 pence in english money the only thing paid for was the wheels from Illregular Miniatures which gets you alot of wheels for less than five pounds.

Lollypop sticks, you get 100 for a quid, 7 sticks need for a wagon, thats 14 wagons with spares

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Matchsticks, 100s of them for a pound only need a few for a wagon

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Balsa wood 2o pence for a lenght, only need abit i can get 20 wagons out of this with whats lefted over

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Cardboard we all throw it away, great for canvas though.

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Huh ! toilet roll sheet ? you work out the price.

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Paperclips, tons of them around 30 pence, picture wire i found laying around, lets paint this sucker up then.

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Ok when painting make sure you spray it with black matt, it gets in parts where its meant to be dark and stops the paints soaking into the wood ect.

I kept the oxen team seperate from the wagon ... why ?

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Because i always wanted a laager

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Re: How to create a colonial wagon Laager

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2014 6:42 am
by Friedrich August I.
Inspiring Stuff as always!
Thanks for sharing!


Re: How to create a colonial wagon Laager

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2014 9:32 pm
by Artimas
They look very good!
