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First GNW Game - Questions

Posted: Thu May 10, 2012 7:57 am
by Redmist1122
My son an I played a GNW game tonight; Battle of Fraustadt 1706. Several questions came up, hopefully you can settle our discussion:

- When a Swedish unit lose 50% or more, what stand comes off? The Swedes are organized a bit different than other armies; the center stand is where the colors and pike are at. So does a musket stand or a the command/pike stand come off first?

- Using the GNW Swede modifier for charging a +1 to the die, is that only used once on the initial round, or can it be used in the 2nd & 3rd round of melee too?

- Speaking of melee; what happens after three round of melee? Fight on or the loser breaks off? We have a few combats go three rounds, unfortunalty my son rolled poorly and there were routs involved.

- Standard muskety fire; What does the modifer "Target is charging horse or gunners" mean? (this was a 20 minute debate)

- Artillery Question #1; Gunners being contacted by horse or foot, do they fight of flee once contacted? I thought I read this somewhee in the rules, but couldn't find it that they fled.

Artillery Question #2; Can artillery unlimber and fire in the same turn? I thought I read this too, but coudn't find it. I thought it was ok for light guns at half die.

Thank you for your response. Will post a link to the game picks this weekend. We actually didn't finish; will come back to finish in a few days.

Re: First GNW Game - Questions

Posted: Fri May 11, 2012 10:03 pm
by flick40
When a Swedish unit lose 50% or more, what stand comes off?
As you point out the rules are non descriptive where this is concerned. For me the command stand should always come off last, it has the pretty flags and best dressed men. Or. Don't remove any stands and do a little more math; 2-4 a musketeer is killed 5-6 a pikeman, keeping track on the casualty sheet.
Using the GNW Swede modifier for charging a +1 to the die, is that only used once on the initial round
This modifier only applies due to a 6 rolled on a morale check to charge the nearest enemy and is for the duration of the combat. P. 81 Think WRG troops who have gone impetuous.
what happens after three round of melee? Fight on or the loser breaks off?
The duration of the melee is based on the morale grade of the units involved vs the # or melee rounds they have lost; (baring a morale failure first) Raw troops loosing 1 round of melee rout, Drilled 2 rounds (in a row) rout, Elite 3 and Guards 4.

We had a great melee at Historicon where the Irish Guards and Dutch Guards fought each other to the death. :)
What does the modifer "Target is charging horse or gunners" mean?
You take a minus for shooting at horse who are charging at you. I think the idea is that the men would be nervous and shaky shooting at charging horse. The Gunners means if you are shooting at artillery which are harder to hit due to being spread out.
Artillery Question #1; Gunners being contacted by horse or foot, do they fight of flee once contacted?
Gunners test morale for being charged and only have one option if they pass, stand and fire. P.40 Gunners contacted on a charge are killed or captured P. 45.
Artillery Question #2; Can artillery unlimber and fire in the same turn?
Limbering and unlimbering takes the entire turn, so no unlimbering and shooting. Light guns can be manhandled 2" or change face (takes 1/2 turn) and still fire.

Hope this helps


Re: First GNW Game - Questions

Posted: Fri May 11, 2012 10:42 pm
by Redmist1122
Thank you BIG Time!

I believe my son will be happy to know he was right on the "Target is charging horse or gunners". I was thinking it was a typo since gunners cannot charge. But he had a differnt view as you stated, and now make more sense. I was focused on the "charging" verbiage.
I agree on the command stand going last. Hell, the way the Swedes fight, it wouldn't make much difference as they move very fast to get into melee.

Curious as to why their is only one Swede modifier listed on the QRS's.

We should wrap up the game tomorrow, and will post a link to the game pics.

Thanks again.

Re: First GNW Game - Questions

Posted: Sat May 12, 2012 6:46 am
by barr7430
Joe knows ALL the answers 8)

No real need for me to add anything Greg.

Will be interested in the results

Re: First GNW Game - Questions

Posted: Tue May 15, 2012 1:23 am
by quindia
Joe is the man (he knows VWQ better than I do)...