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Posted: Mon May 02, 2011 11:27 am
by davidsharpe
Hello Duke

I understand what you means, Duke.
I do not like the Probablities approach in wargaming, because the play becomes too rational and unhistorical as you said.

But many things were said before on this theme (Cav vs infantry), which were just representations of what tactics rules should favor, it wasn t real.
I had the idea to propose another way to simulate it, keeping of course all the beautifuly designed structure of RTE system.

You are true, the danger is to Add and add again rules exceptions and particularities.
But Napoleonic period is a wargaming period full of particuliarities (ACW period not).
We need some and enough of them but it must not become cumbersome.
Perhaps my propositions will not fit well, but i try.

When we play we face a system where we knows the table reality, in real life generals didn t.
When Ney ordered the big cavalry charge at Waterloo which doomed Napoleonic Era, he thought British were leaving the battlefied, but they didn t.
A player must have a chance to accomplish an exploit if we expect from him to not be too rationale.
With cavalry vs infantry rules, i ve not encountered this chance, but a one sided proposition coupled with the perfect knowledge by the players of where the cavalry was and where it could charge.
All surprise and errors in real battlefield are non existent on a table.
I think some rules must simulate this chaos.
RTE doesn t, or perhaps just by the initiative system, creating sometimes playing twice.

Anyway have a try of my propositions (which will need some more soon to be coherent) and give me your thoughts about it.

Friendly yours.