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Artillery Refit Question

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2010 2:51 pm
by John Michael
I am playing my first game of RtoE and am unclear about Artillery REFIT. The Bde are on DEFEND orders and a FA unit has fired 4 times.

I presume this move is mandatory, does it cost MP do go from a deployed to a limbered state and more MP to move the 10". I presume that when the FA finish (D3 turns) their REFIT they are limbered and it cost MP to move them back and unlimber. Also what happens to the movement distance, they are under DEFEND orders. Are they supposed to stay within 9" of the point of defense, does this supercede the mandatory movement distance.



Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2010 4:29 pm
by Greystreak
That's an excellent question, John; and I'll look forward to the 'official' wisdom from Barry/Clarence in reply.

When our group tried Clarence's introductory scenario, we did not spend MP's (e.g., 1 for 'Form' per usual unlimbering, + subsequent turns to reach the re-fitting 'area', etc.) or faff about with formation change costs, and mechanically moving the battery back and forth from it's refit location. We simply 'lifted' the battery, and retired it back the full move, then after 3 turns (my 'D3' rolling luck), placed it back where it had been, as the ground was still 'vacant'.

We played the rules as written (pp. 74-75) reckoning it to be a distinct and standalone 'process'--e.g., it was punishment enough to lose the battery for 'D3' gameturns of refit, without all the further gameturns of availability 'lost' via mechanically moving it back and forth. If you did the latter, in addition to paying all the MP costs, the battery would wind up out of the game for 6-8 gameturns . . . or 2 to 2.5 hours of 'real time', all of which seemed a tad excessive to us.

Happy to be 'corrected' however, if that this was 'design intent'. :wink:

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2010 8:35 pm
by quindia
Clarence already directed John here for this question as he didn't have the answer :roll:

I'm with Greystreak, though, it seems the refit is something the battery officers would tend to, rather than needing direction from the big men...

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2010 9:58 pm
by barr7430
Correct in your interpretations gents 8)

Big Men would have nothing to do with something as prosaic as whether 6 gun's barrels were fouled up with powder residue and bits of wadding. That is a battery commander's responsibility!

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2010 10:27 pm
by John Michael
Thanks you, that does appear quite logical.
