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First Game RtE and a few questions.

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 7:24 am
by Captain Chook
Well, Valley Boy and I finally had our first game. We delibrately made some unusual starting decisions just to see what would happen under different circumstances.
We played a 1809 game with, for ease, all units being drilled. However, the Austrians were made sluggish except for their cavalry and the commander a plodder. The French had fewer troops but were to have a skilled commander and seasoned brigades. This resulted in what we thought would occur, the Austrians really had no opportunities to do anything imaginative and really had to fall back on being defensive and reacting as best they could to the French.
Despite having gone through the rules several times, there is nothing like playing a game to quickly make you realise that you didn't really understand things as well as you initially thought!

There are a few questions that we couldn't immediately find the answers to while playing, and are now feeling too played and new-ruled out to find the answers for now.

1. If a unit is on advance orders, moves and then wants to move further (as an individual unit) a single unit move can be made. We presume this is after also paying for an exploitation?

2. If a unit routs , does it do so immediately? As it falls back , can it avoid units to it's rear if there is a way around them, or does it make the entiremove in a straight line (currently we play General de Brigade where some of a retreat is straight back and the rest of the move can be through appropriate gaps)?

3. If a cavalry unit pursues, does it do so immediately? For example, there is a cavalry vs cavalry combat. Player 1 loses and routs, Player 2 pursues. If pursuit is the same round as the combat is fought, does combat continue if they can maintain contact? What happens to routing units that are contacted?

4. What is the correct way to calculate a combat where a cavalry unit charges two other cavalry units, who both countercharge successfully? Do we calculate all the figures of the counter charging forces, or just those of one unit (the principal unit) with the other unit contributing the +3 for a supporting unit in combat? If the former is correct and both units are light cavalry, do both units lose 2 dice (ie total of 4) if the combat goes to another round, or just one loss of 2 dice?

5. Finally, how are people using 15mm scale ajusting the movement rates and command distances? We changed movement to cm from inches on a 1:1 basis. The problem came with command radii. At only 9cm most units ended up outside (or outwith :lol:) the command radius on account of the distance measurements being 1:2.5 that of 25mm, but the base sizes being somewhat larger than this ratio and so a unit in line would stretch longer than this command radius. Perhaps to allow for the base sizes, for 15mm command radius needs to be 12cm for infantry and 16cm cavalry?

Thanks for any help (and your patience if these questions all seem a trifle basic). :oops:

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2010 12:20 pm
by quindia
1. It's not necessary to use Exploitation to use Single Unit Actions. Exploitation is for giving multiple orders to an entire brigade and allowing the whole formation to act twice (or more). In your case, you carry out the Brigade Order and then simply pay the appropriate MPs to give additional actions to individual units.

2. A routing unit moves immediately. As much as possible this should be straight back, avoiding impassable terrain, toward their starting table edge. It may move through friendly units, but if it's movement leaves it stranded 'on top of' another unit, both are disordered. Note the allied unit will probably need to test Resolve, but that would be the case if the router was beside it as well. As a note, I personally allow some deviation if it seems reasonable, but funneling a battalion through a three inch gap between supporting units is out.

3. Again the move is immediate. A routing unit that is contacted is destroyed and removed from the table.

4. Not sure about this one, but I think it works the same as any combat with multiple units, i.e. the primary unit gets the +3 support.

5. Never played with 15mm... anyone else?

As usual, Barry or Dave may need to correct me but this is how I've been playing.

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2010 12:49 pm
by barr7430
All correct as far as I can see Clarence...

Point 4. Is as you suggested.. Principle unit + support, not the strength of the 2 units combined. This also answers the question about Light cavalry... if the principle unit is LC then yes they lose the dice if the support unit is LC they do not lose the dice..

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2010 12:57 pm
by quindia
barr7430 wrote:All correct as far as I can see Clarence...
Hooray! And all from the top of my head as I didn't have the book handy... :D

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2010 7:39 pm
by Captain Chook
Thanks for the very prompt replies (as always).

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2010 8:16 am
by valleyboy
barr7430 wrote:All correct as far as I can see Clarence...

Point 4. Is as you suggested.. Principle unit + support, not the strength of the 2 units combined. This also answers the question about Light cavalry... if the principle unit is LC then yes they lose the dice if the support unit is LC they do not lose the dice..
Err thicko here :oops:
So which is the principal unit?

In this case the Chook decided to charge his Austrian Uhlans (24 strong) at my light cavalry to make contact with both my units - 16 French Hussars and 18 Chasseurs at the same tme - I decided to countercharge with both
(my throw of 7 kills in the first 8 dice did lead to a sharp intake of breath)

Presumably I should have chosen the larger of my units to be the principal unit ( I understand that if I was the charger not the "counterchargee" I would have done this - as I did when my French infantry columns whopped his sorry - Austrian line later :lol: )

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2010 8:20 am
by valleyboy
Now that's interesting - I posted Sorry "A word for bottom or donkey" Austrian Line and the A word didn't come out

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2010 10:34 am
by quindia
It's up to the player which is the principle unit and which is the support if both multiple units are involved in melee.

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2010 10:38 am
by barr7430
My PROFANOSAURUS FILTER is calibrated on the most severe setting of the Presbyterian Hellfire and Damnation Principles... words like


don't get through... :shock: :shock:

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2010 10:39 am
by barr7430
Oh yes of course..

Arse and Bastard do 8)

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2010 8:49 pm
by valleyboy
thanks for the clarification - on both counts :)

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2010 9:00 am
by Captain Chook
OK, I have read through things again before our next game. A few more questions.

1. When making a single unit action, do we determine the MPs required based on the command radius of the CinC or on the brigade commander?

2. Reform does not count as exploitation itself. Therefore, can I reform a brigade but at the expense of not having enough MPs left to continue orders for another brigade (ie cause a breakdown in chain of command for that second brigade)?

3. I am hazy on the rule around a unit turning 90 degrees. Page 45 and 91. There is mention of problems with unit integrity, but what does this mean? What if a unit wants to turn 90 degrees not in response to a charge, does this still happen or would units instead use the wheeling rate?

4. Can infantry counter charge? There is the comment on page 91 that guard and veteran units which had waver on their resolve check but improve to steady on fight or flight may counter charge. Can other units elect to do so if they remain steady through both tests?

Thanks again, in advance.

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2010 11:20 am
by obriendavid
When you make a single unit action the number of MP's is based on the quality of the unit not the brigade commander.

If you change a brigades orders to reform it would do nothing that move, to actually get them to reform in the same move would take an exploitation move and you can't do that until you have allocated MP's to every brigade.

To get a unit to turn 90 degrees would require a single unit reform order and takes the whole move and the unit can do nothing else that turn. If you have space then it is much easier to just wheel the unit to the flank and it still has other options open to it. This is one of the reasons why I am always telling gamers not to have their units so crammed together, it's unhistorical in most cases and just gives yourself more problems to deal with.

Infantry can counter charge in the situation you mentioned but usually the situation arises when the unit being charged forces the enemy unit to waver by firing as they charge in, that's when they can counter charge.

Hope this helps?