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RtE in other scales.

Posted: Tue May 11, 2010 7:09 pm
by big-gazza
had this idea rattling about inside my head for a while and thought I'd finally run it by you.

Now, as most who have met me at a show will no I've been wanting to start playing Naps for a while. As well as the cost and painting time there has been another problem holding me back. That is the problem of space.

Alas the only place I have to play regular games would be a club that has 6x4 tables. This just seems to small for the game.

So heres my solution.

Play the game using 15mm figures and change all measurements in the game from inches to cm.

I was thinking about using the medium FOW bases for the infantry with 6 figures on each.

So what do you think?

Will it be playable on a 6x4?

Any suggestions for good 15mm Naps? (I was thinking about AB)



P.s. Have I brought this up on the forum before? Thought I had but I couldn't find it.

Posted: Tue May 11, 2010 7:35 pm
by Captain Chook
Hi Gazza,
I thought you had brough it up before.
The AB figures are by far the best sculpted figures but are more expensive. They are more 18mm than 15 and so slightly larger bases are needed.
I have made some suggestions for movement rates in 15mm in the post "Playing in 15/18mm". The reasons for not simply changing to cm are given, although one could keep movement in cm (1:1) and just extend the command radii by approx 30%.




Posted: Tue May 11, 2010 7:46 pm
by barr7430
I'd be able to play you in 15mm Gary.. I have a shedload of stuff.. All AB as mentioned by Captain Chook

Posted: Tue May 11, 2010 8:25 pm
by big-gazza
thanks for the replys.

Nice figures CC.

Barry - What size of bases do you use ? (inf, cav, art)



Posted: Tue May 11, 2010 9:36 pm
by barr7430

I have gone for larger bases in some cases ie 40 x 40mm with 8 figures per base. In other units less large. I will show you some of the stuff but look in the Napoleonic in 15mm Gallery to see some FoW bases used for skirmishers.

Posted: Tue May 11, 2010 9:41 pm
by Captain Chook
Topmost figures were kindly painted for me by VB who has a grittier style to me. I tend to paint a little "cleaner" - perhaps more parade ground look.
The battle is actually a GdB game from a few months back. Terrain/buildings and Austrians are all VBs, the French are mine.

ABs are very easy to paint but detailed.