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Artillery refit

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2010 1:53 pm
by obriendavid
Another question which came up at our latest LOGW big bash was about artillery refitting.

Once an artillery battery has fired its 4 rounds of shooting it has to retire 12" to pull out of line, this would take one move. Once it is in position it then rolls a d3 to see how many moves it takes to refit. Once it has made its refit the battery then has to take another move to get back into postion. The smallest number of moves a battery can take to refit is 3 moves provided it has rolled a 1 on its d3 dice.

I hope this clarifies the issue for some gamers who were trying to pull out of line, refit and move back all in one move because that is what they had rolled on their d3 dice.


Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2010 11:51 pm
by John Michael
I believe this interpretation contradicts a previous post on the same topic. ... php?t=2105

I wonder if we could get a clarification from Barry.



Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2010 10:25 am
by obriendavid
It was Barry that asked me to post this clarification.


Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2010 12:19 pm
by John Michael
Thanks for the clarification.


Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2010 11:30 pm
by obriendavid
That's OK John, I didn't think what I wrote was contradicting your previous enquiry as you were asking about paying MP's for refitting and I was posting about how long it takes to refit.


Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 12:06 pm
by sharnydubs
Thanks Dave for clarifying. As one of those who did roll a one for refit on Saturday I seem to recall that I fired for turns 2,3,4 & 5 then retired turn 6 where I rolled a one for refit. I moved back into position turn 7 and commenced firing again turn 8. So if I'm reading you correctly I fired one turn too early.

So after firing for 4 turns you will have to spend 1 turn moving back, 1, 2 or 3 turns retrofitting and 1 turn returing to position before being allowed to fire again. So a minimum of 3 turns, maximum of 5 turns between firing.

I must say I like the artillery rules. Having relatively reduced effectiveness makes it more of an infantry and cavalry battle than a long distance shooting match. Tactically I guess you could go for two batteries, one behind each other to keep up a constant barrage on a town or defended obstacle with the front battery being replaced by the rear battery when it is time for refit. Otherwise you need to plan on how to use what at best are 4 shots over 7-9 turns, with the first of thsoe shots being of limited effectiveness due to it being a new target.

I also like the idea of the dead space behind the guns for the artillery wagons, limbers etc. saves things from getting too cluttered on the table and give the artillery a space to move back into to refit.

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 7:54 pm
by obriendavid
It's because of you we clarified the rules Peter :lol: :lol: :lol:


Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 7:59 pm
by obriendavid
What I like most about the artillery rules is that it generally stops players blasting away at extreme range just because there happens to be a target. Gamers now think more carefully of how they use their firepower and although they only fire for four rounds it can still be devastating as Bob's Dutch Guard found out on Saturday and those were only Russian 6pdrs firing but those 6 gun batteries are so s.e.x.y! (putting dots between the letters was the only way I could post this word)
