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Quick question

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 5:14 am
by Scruff
Hiya all, Just started another trial game, this time on a 6 foot wide table which has certainly made a nice improvement on 4 foot.

Anyways, the quickie,

A regiment of Cuirassiers eventually broke a unit of Dragoons, all good so far. Now the rout move, I couldn't find what happens when said Dragoons smacks into a supporting unit of Hussars thats 10" behind them. The over lap is around 1/2 unit width.

Also what happens when the Cuirassiers also reach the Hussars assuming the Dragoons can either pass by, or pass through them?

If its in the book, Ive missed it after several looks and have taken a break as going cross eyed hehe

As for the battle itself, both sides are suffering from a serious lack of points to do stuff, with both sides having a full brigade standing around in march column .. sigh


Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 1:22 pm
by barr7430
P92 CONTINUATION CHARGES but this may not be applicable if there was sufficient gap between the point of rout and the supporting Hussars for the routing unit to find a gap. Troops routing will not automatically interpenetrate formed friends if there is an alternative place for them to go which is NOT closer to formed enemy bodies. Routing does not have to be in as straight line from the point of rout as long as it is away from the enemy... that ok Scruff or do you need further info?


Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 10:21 pm
by Scruff
Thanks Barry, that helps abit. I saw that section and wondered if it applied as the unit broke after a couple rounds of melee, and the continuation part talked about target breaking before contact.

There is a gap available for the Dragoons to run through, but they have to contract for flow through (3 bases wide, dropping to 2 wide to fit past), no problem with that as thats what I did with them, but the pursuing Cuirassiers are another matter.

I'm guessing that you would indeed use the continuation rules for the pursuit?
Which would have them ploughing into the poor Hussars.


Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 1:38 pm
by barr7430
Yes but... Pursuers don't pursue in formation so the Cuirassiers would be in a mob too just like the guys they are chasing. If the rout occured in close combat the two bodies are intermingled and the 'Purusee' (to quote Sheriff Beaufort T. Justice of Smokey and the Bandit fame) is assumed to be trying to outdistance the 'Pursuer' in a series of little duels. A description of a cavalry melee is included in the rules and described as a 'swirling mass of horsemen without flanks'.
Maybe you want to reconsider... would a bunch of frothing Cuirassiers who have just tanned the life out of a beaten foe and is trying to ride them into the ground break off even in a 'no contact pursuit' to hit a fresh, formed enemy unit not directly in their path?

Your call! 8)

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 9:15 am
by Scruff
heheh I came to the same conclusion and run them past the Hussars in pursuit.

I did spend a bit of time after that when it was the Russians turn, trying to decide what the heck I was going to do about the purdy Cuirassiers sitting behind the lines when they reformed ....

In the end, the Russians doomed themselves when they had their turn, maneuvered nicely into position along the top of a ridge line and then won initiative next turn and it was their "Now it the time Wittgenstein" moment 6 battalions vs 3) ...... sadly the response from the troops thou was "ummm boss, theres Frenchmen down there ..." and disgraced themselves. Declared 6 charges and only 2 passed the roll, Oh oh.
The Jagers stormed in and threw back the first of the French battalions (only a retreat thou) however it did put them partially behind the next Frenchman, Then it was the turn of the Moscow Battalion, who flinched badly after taken a hit in the charge and the wily frog yelled to his men, "Vive La Emperor" and in they went (opportunity counter charge).
Well that was enough for the Moscow guys and they skedaddled pronto.
Then the crap hit the fan, the unit beside the broke as well (already wavering) and a couple more units on the ridge wavered.
Then it was the French turn ... Viva La Emperor rang across the ridge and the 3 French battalions totally cleared the ridge and a couple units of hussars were ready to poor through the massive gap (ROFL swear filter took out h.o.l.e ) and the Cuirassiers were ready to run along behind the lines making mince....

All in all another interesting fight, I had planned on trying out the built up area rules but the defending French had had enough of the battery of guns on the ridge and decided to do something about it, leading to the Russian disaster.

I really need to get more Frenchmen as at the moment i have to use a lot of Russians doing service as French ...
Until the next one :)
