That seems to be a teasing against the frenchbarr7430 wrote:...Just wanted to check the water temperatures before I throw the live frogs into the pan.....
The main point I had been making to Barry was the robustness of my Russian artillery batteries in hand to hand combat, especially 12pdr batteries. If they are charged by a normal sized infantry battalion 24 figures then the artillery are almost guaranteed to win as the infantry unit would have sustained shooting casualties on the way in and then fight against a crew of 30 figures. The problem arises because of the figure to man ratio of 1:20, the infantry unit would normal have 480+ men but an artillery battery doesn't have a 600 man crew.barr7430 wrote: A topic mulled over by DOB and I for sometime - the robustness of artillery batteries under fire.
Extreme example : a Russian 12pdr battery has 6 guns x 5 crew = 30 models and is stronger than many infantry battalions. The crew are also 50% harder to kill allowing batteries to take a huge amount of punishment whilst dealing out even more.
Ray, irrespective of how much of a unit you contact the whole unit fights in combat this rule applies to any type of combat. Artillery crews were armed with muskets and bayonets which would be stacked behind the guns but if they didn't have time to reach them I'm sure it wouldn't be much fun getting smacked in the face with the metal end of a rammer or smacked round the head with a swabbing bucket.Churchill wrote:Hi Dave,
Correct me if I'm wrong, but surely because of the base size difference a 24 figure infantry battalion would only contact 4 gun bases and thus only 20 crew could fight back.
Weapon wise the infantry should also have the advantage because its using a bayonet fixed onto a musket while the crew at best would be fighting back with sabres or improvised weapons.
The fact is not all the guns were contacted in the charge so how can all the crew fight back.
Only when it comes to moral should the battery count it's full crew of 30 figures.
Again just my thoughts,
The rules as they stand is that when a battery takes casualties we record them as crew coming off but this also effects the guns and limbers at the same time and players should start taking off guns and limbers when there is not enough crew to man all the guns. I feel that there is a danger of over complicating the rules and slowing down the game if we start recording if a gun, crew or limber is being destroyed, I felt the rules work out OK as they are but it was just in hand to hand that I saw a problem although watching my gunners fight off Guard Cavalry was a good laugh.Friedrich August I. wrote: My approach to a change in that matter would be as previous mentioned that Artillery Fire against another Battery, the so-called counterbattery fire, should be directed against the "hard" targets as guns are. Throw of a 6 would destroy a gun section and whipe out all the crew with it.