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Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2012 6:20 pm
by flick40
We're doing Fontenoy this weekend in 15mm using Age of Reason v2 (slightly modified). We will be using 24 battalions or so plus 9 regiments horse and some guns per side. Should be fun. Watch this space for pictures.


Re: Fontenoy

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 4:12 am
by flick40
OK so we played this today and it was great fun but unfortunately we didn't get to a conclusion. We managed 9 of 12 turns in 8 hours. It seems a long time, but in there we took breaks and had lunch as well.

Here's a few pics taken with my cell phone

This is game start from the French side of the table. The right center of the picture is Antoing with the river Scheldt just out of the shot. Fontenoy almost in the center and the Bois de Barry (sans trees, we forgot to put them out until about turn 3 or 4) in the upper left.

The Dutch view. (in our case Austrians as we have no 15mm Dutch) The bottom left we see the pesky heavy gun battery that gave one unit the fits all game. The Austrians were able to get into Antoing but they could not clear the town.

And finally the Hanoverian and British view. The Hanovrians managed to breech Fontenoy but had no better luck clearing the town to claim it.

More pictures later.
There were several historical similarities as the game progressed. It didn't seem the Austrians heart were in it to win it. At least not when it came to dealing with the redoubts. And if the cavalry commander could have his way he would have rode down his own men to get to battle. They were constantly looking for a gap to get at the French. Alas the chance never came.

The French skirmishers in the Bois de Barry were a continuous bother all game as they were in history. The aforementioned battery across the Scheldt kept one unit in check the whole game as well. No sooner would it rally from it's fire it would be hit and break again.

The two generals were in not giving mood to offer first fire to the other when the guards met. They blasted each other to smithereens but neither would give way. Eventually it was the French and Swiss guards who relented.

It was just at this point in the game when it seemed the British would isolate Fontenoy and break through the lines that we called the game. One of the players had to go and I had a family emergency. The game was definitely not over and it could have gone both ways yet. But it seemed to be headed towards an historical outcome, but would it have been?

We are going to have to play this again to the end to find out. :)

Re: Fontenoy

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2012 10:18 pm
by yar68
It looks an epic game!!!! More please??

Re: Fontenoy

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 11:32 pm
by flick40
Additional photos of our game, sorry for the delay.

Here we see two pictures of the Austrian (Dutch in the actual battle) approach to The Antoine/redoubt line of defense at game start.


The French await in Antoine


Regiment Dauphin await the Hanoverians in Fontenoy


This was taken on turn 8, the Austrian offensive was completely halted. Much as it was for the Dutch in 1745.


The battle for Fontenoy. The Hanoverians seemed to easily enter the village but pushing the French out was another matter. By turn 9 the village was beginning to become isolated, unfortunately the Austrian support ceased to exsist.


The only bright side for the Austrians were the grenadiers in Antoine who had no better luck forcing the French out. In the back you can see the French cavalry moving to exploit the vacancy left by the Austrians


So we turn to the British who managed the only advance into the French side. Here we have the French point of view with the Mason du Roi moving up to support the Irish Brigade who have replaced the Suisse Garde and Garde Francais who though not routed have taken a beating.


A shot of the French cavalry moving to exploit the Austrian vacancies. Trust me there were three brigades of Austrians there a minute ago.


A closer picture of the British advance. This game was ended short due to family emergency but it was just getting interesting for both sides. I really want to play this again soon. Thats my tricorn on the table on top of the Garde Francais flag.


To recap; two pictures; game start and game end


We used Age of Reason v2 for the rules. The only changes are the basing which is more akin to Koenig Krieg and a more advanced rating system for the units. You can see more pics and larger ones of these on my flickr page


Re: Fontenoy

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2012 7:48 pm
by flick40
Hmm somebody made a video of the whole days events and posted it on youtube. Heres the link, FFwd to about the 4:40 mark for our game. Gavin gives a brief statement. I'm not in the video. :cry: ... L4Vjq3Pf3w