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Conflicts in the period Mid 1600's early 1700's a comment.

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2005 3:44 pm
by Anonymous
Just to show that there is plenty of scope for figure manufacturers. As regards research in to the periods and wars etc I am sure that somwehere out there are other people like Mark Allan, Dan Schor etc that would be more than happy to resaerch and find uniform details etc. Just looking at the list of members on this site we have people from all round the world. A war that may not mean much to a person say in America or Britain may mean a lot more to some of our members living in Spain an Portugal etc. Most are very well known to the people who game in the period but some are totally obscure mainly because most times if it ain't your history but some other countries and the outcome had no affect on the country that you live in. Having said that it would be nice to be able to game in any or all of these conflicts just to see the out come.British or Portugeuse regulars far from home fighting natives who know the country and are only to happy to try to lift the yoke of posible oppression by the invading forces. Some figures already on the market could be pressed into service for say Queen Annes war( Foundry used to do Wood land Indains but now alas no more) Mogul Sikh war sounds like real thriller with lots of different troops plus elephants. The British in Tangiers and the Portugese in Oman sounds like some fun could be had by all. I won't go on but from what I can see there is something there for everyone.
Iroquois-French Wars
Abnaki War,
First Pueblo Uprising
King Phillip's War
King William's War
Swamp Fight Bacon's Rebellion
Culpeper's Rebellion
Leisler's Rebellion
Monmouth's Rebellion
Irish War
Glencoe Massacre
Glorious Revolution
Jacobite Rebellion
La Hogue (Hougue), Battle of
Messinan Rebellion
War of the Grand Alliance,
Dutch War,
Third Louis XIV's Rhenish Invasion Steenkerke, Battle of Neerwinden, Battle of Streltsy,
Danish-Swedish War
Vienna, Siege of Venetian-Turkish War
Polish-Turkish War
Russo-Turkish War
Austro-Turkish War
Russo-Turkish War
Portugese-Omani Wars in East Africa
Queen Anne's War
Abnaki War,
Second Abnaki War,
Deerfield Massacre
Tuscarora War
Yamasee War
Emboabas, War of the Mascates,
War of the Comuneros'
Uprising in Paraguay
Northern War, Second or Great
Camisards' Rebellion Villmergen War
Second Jacobite Rebellion
War of the Quadruple Alliance
War of the Spanish Succession
Austro-Turkish War
Battle of Polish Rebellion
Russo-Turkish War
Venetian-Turkish War
Russo-Persian War
Portugese-Omani Wars in East Africa
Janissaries' Revolt
Rajput Rebellion against Aurangzeb
Mogul Civil War
Mogul-Sikh War Afghan Rebellions
Maratha-Mogul War
Mogul Civil War
Mogul-Sikh War
Javanese War of Succession,
First Siamese-Cambodian War
Javanese War of Succession,
Second Burmese-Manipuri War
Bengalese-British War
Mogul-Sikh War
Maratha-Mogul War
Maratha-Mogul War Revolt of Three Feudatories
the Anglo-Siamese War