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Availability of individual figures & parts?

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2012 12:40 pm
by Rohan Wilmott
Hi, Barry!

I have just received my recent order for "Big guns" - field & positional guns & crews. They are excellent, thankyou. The positional gun is a whopper!! The gunners were very well positioned, though the officer in 1 pack was "a little light on his feet" with a very thin base which was absent altogether on 1 side with front of shoe missing - this will hide well enough with flock. :wink:

I also bought some pike figures to use as "boatmen/pontooneers" for use in a teaser-type scenario.

I note that several artillerymen could be used in this role (the open-handed sponge/rammer/ladle chaps), and several of the officers from this & other packs would be useful as individuals to officer the unit.

I also liked the excellent sprue of 4 swords to be attached to the gunners as desired.

I wonder if we can arrange to purchase packs of swords separately to use on figure conversions needing a proper sidearm for the period, as well as some individual officer & gunner figures to use as I mentioned above?

Cheers, Rohan

Re: Availability of individual figures & parts?

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2012 11:18 am
by barr7430
Thank you for the nice words Rohan. Sorry to hear about the officer. Please take a note of anything that is not perfect and let us know when you order again and we will replace. That applies to anyone of course!

May well make swords available seperately, will update on that.

Re: Availability of individual figures & parts?

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2012 2:25 pm
by Rohan Wilmott
Cheers, Barry!