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Spencer Warner

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 11:08 am
by barr7430
It is with great sadness that I must tell everyone that Spencer Warner passed away yesterday.
Spencer's name may not be familiar to many of you but he is effectively the Father of Warfare Miniatures. Spencer was very taken by BLB 1 and decided to launch a figure range to compliment the rules. He commissioned Clibanarium to do they sculpting and that project began over three years ago. My involvement was initially only as 'technical advisor' on a very limited basis. I remember sitting with Spencer in the cold afternoon of a Glasgow autumn day outside the Tron Cafe where he showed me the first 'masters' from the early infantry codes and asked me if I wanted a more active role in Warfare (it had no name at that point). I took him up on that and together we managed to get the range to market. Spencer first became unwell about 18 months ago and was stoical and positive about fighting his illness. When he was recovering in 2011 we agreed that it was best for me to take over control so that he could concentrate on getting well. He maintained an interest in what was happening but rarely contributed to public discussion. Spencer was a friendly, helpful, knowledgeable hobby enthusiast who always had a story to tell and could always get you giggling or shaking your head about the nuttiness of our hobby. He served many of us with a grumble and a smile during his time at Static Games in the Trongate of Glasgow. Although a Southern lad (from Luton I think), he had made his home and his life in Scotland. He will be missed by those who knew him and I am certain everyone will wish his wife Libby and their children deepest condolences in this awfully sad moment.
2012 has been a shit year for losing good people. Gone but not forgotten Spence - you gave us something to remember you by.

Re: Spencer Warner

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 3:33 pm
by obriendavid
Sorry to hear the sad news about Spencer even though we knew it was coming. His contribution to the hobby and Warfare Miniatures should not be forgotten.

Re: Spencer Warner

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 3:39 pm
by quindia
That is sad news - I talked to him on the phone not too long ago. It didn't seem like he felt well, but he still wanted to talk wargaming. He seemed happy with the direction Warfare has gone. We also talked about Warhammer 40k which he was a fan of as well (although more so in the past than the present). I never met Spencer, but we spoke on the phone several times and I will miss the opportunity to have another chat.

Re: Spencer Warner

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 4:36 pm
by Gerryjd
Was in Static yesterday morning, obviously prior to reading this today.

Always found Spencer to be a gent and very happy to pass the time of day whenever I was in the shop, and blether about this or that about the hobby, and more knowledgable about our hobby than I ever imagined.

Will not be quite the same going into Static in the future now.



Re: Spencer Warner

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 5:00 pm
by PaulMc
Very sad to hear this. Spencer was a lovely guy. Rest in peace big chap.

Re: Spencer Warner

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 5:10 pm
by flick40
I did not know the man but to those who did i am sorry for your loss. May his vision of Warfare Minis continue to grow.


Re: Spencer Warner

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 8:36 pm
by billwargames
Had many enjoyable conversations with Spencer over the years,especially enjoyed his enthusiasm over setting up the range of figures.Condolences to his family.........

Re: Spencer Warner

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2012 10:49 pm
by Clibinarium
As Barry has said the genesis of the Warfare range of miniatures was down to Spencer. I only really knew Spencer through email and then later the telephone, but he was always easy to work with and very genial in conversation; he was just a likeable guy. He was very knowledgeable about wargaming and enthusiastic; many of our phone chats ran to a couple of hours.

I was aware he was ill fairly early on (he let me know as obviously it had an impact on our plans) and as time went on that things weren't going that well. Even so the news at the weekend still was a shock, somehow I'd imagined that he'd pull through despite the odds. He was still a fairly young man.

I've sat considering this message for some time now, but I don't know what else to write, other than I just have a feeling of great sadness.

Re: Spencer Warner

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2012 12:13 am
by EvilGinger
Spencer as we remember him, our first ever customer and later our shop manager. R.I.P, he will be missed by a lot of people.
Reposted from the Spirit Games Face book page with permission from Phil Bootherstone

:evil: Ginger

Re: Spencer Warner

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2012 10:41 pm
by barr7430
What a wonderful picture... thanks for that Ginger a really nice thing to do.