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GNW Swedish or Russian marines

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2017 4:04 pm
by Charlie Dozen
Did either Sweden or Russia have marines during the Great Northern War? If so what did their uniforms look like and how were they equipped?

Re: GNW Swedish or Russian marines

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2017 9:30 pm
by sthp21
I've not posted here before, but I can share some information that I roughly translated form the book "300 лет российской морской пехоте" using Google translate a while back.

Russian Marine Uniforms:
Initially in 1705 a gray bostrogrom coat and pants (sailors dress) and a cloak from the ships store were worn as a working uniform. For duty a green coat with red cuffs was worn over the gray sailors dress along with black or dark gray stockings. Due to the poor supply system during the Northern War the green coat complete with red cuffs was a rarity. Headdress was the triangular black felt hat. Standard infantry equipment and flintlock musket was used but in 1718, probably for reasons of convenience for service on ships the Marines stopped using standard cartridge pouches on shoulder belts and went to a small waist pouches like grenadiers. At the same time it was planned to provide the battalions with a shortened grenadier flintlock musket.

Towards the end of the Great Northern War, steps were taken to standardize marine uniforms. In 1719 Marines first received uniforms of "special privilege" - cornflower blue coats with red cuffs. By regulation they were supposed to have two sets of uniforms. The first a Drill uniform consisting of a black woolen hat with white lace (1 issue per year), 1 cornflower blue cloth coat faced red (1 issued for 5 years), gray wool vest and pants, 2 pair of woolen red stockings and 2 pairs of black government blunt tip shoes. The second was a work uniform and again consisted of sailors clothing - a gray bostrogrom coat and homespun trousers (1 issue each year).

For the Sweds I've only found the following reference from Hoglunds Great Northern War Vol 1 page 33 about the 1717 Fleet reorganisation:

Anterkarlsregemente ("The Boarding Regiment")
Smalelands Antergastreregemente
Sodermandland Antergastbataljon

The above units were to be uniformed, armed and trained as infantry regiments under Infantry Officers and NCOs

I hope this helps a bit.

Re: GNW Swedish or Russian marines

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2017 11:16 pm
by Charlie Dozen
Thanks very much for that information. I have volume 2 of Lars-Eric Hoglund's The Great Northern War 1700-1721 but can't seem to find a copy of volume 1. Do you have ant suggestions as to where I might find a copy?

Re: GNW Swedish or Russian marines

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2017 12:18 am
by sthp21
Here in the US I think "On Military Matters" has vol. 1 listed for sale.

Here's some more information on the Russian Marines:
In 1705 the Marine Regiment had two battalions of five companies each (8 fusilier companies and 2 grenadier companies). In the regiment there were 45 officers, 70 non-commissioned officers and 1,250 soldiers. Arms of the first Russian marines were flintlock muskets with Bagineti, cutlasses and sabers.

In 1712 it was decided to form instead of one Marine Regiment five separate battalions. The decision to move to a 5 battalion structure was made on the basis of the analysis of the experience of combat use of the Marine regiment during the Northern War. Regimental organization seemed too cumbersome, hindering the implementation of the Marine Corps in combat conditions. Therefore the Marine Regiment was disbanded, and in it's place were created five Marine battalions. The "Admiral Battalion" would serve in the center of the squadron ships, the "Vice Admiral" battalion was placed on the boarding-landing ships, the "Rear Admiral" battalion - on ships of the rear guard of the squadron, the Galley battalion - in the fighting galleys, and the "Admiralty battalion" was on duty for the protection of naval bases, the Admiralty its self and shore establishments of the Russian fleet. Each battalion has 22 officers and 660 non-commissioned officers and privates.

Take Care,

Re: GNW Swedish or Russian marines

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2017 3:41 pm
by Charlie Dozen
I managed to get a copy of volume 1 of Hoglund's Great Northern War 1700-1721, so now I have both volumes. I also received the two volume set of The Great Northern War Compendium yesterday, looks like there's a lot of information in these two books.