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Art for Art sake... Donnybrook for God's sake!

Posted: Sat Feb 15, 2014 10:36 am
by barr7430
Ray... love your review on the blog.

I am intrigued by the rumbling sound of the Covenanter Faction who seem to be mustering somewhere out there in Wargames Etherland!

S e x u a l D e v i a n t s (can even beat my own filth filter...haha!)
Hilton and Harrison the Minions of Shatan

The devil is behind it mind. Don't breathe on a Sunday. Eat only grass unsullied by the feet of animals.....

A wee cartoon lassie has a sword tastefully positioned over her modesty and people are beginning to read coded messages into the cover of Donnybrook! (Love it!)

I remember trying to play Led Zep IV backwards to hear the satanic chanting.... Ji - mmy Page is - a - ghoul, ji - mmy Page is- a ghoul!

We'll fess up now folks... Clarence and I ARE in a cult! There IS a hidden 'in joke' on the cover. Dave O' Brien once went to a Bay City Rollers Concert and some of them had criminal records(thought all their records were criminal)

Someone called me a cult once... we'll it sounded like cult..... :wink:

Re: Art for Art sake... Donnybrook for God's sake!

Posted: Sat Feb 15, 2014 1:53 pm
by quindia
Barry and I like the band KISS too...

It's funny that the ladies who commented on Ray's blog didn't seem bothered by the cover other than to use the opportunity to offer it as the reason he bought it.

I honestly never gave a second thought to it. The reactions, in the minority I think, remind of the ones my father had after seeing my work from my first life drawing class in college where all of the models were nude female co-eds...

'...umm... yeah, they were in the class... What? Maybe ten feet away... no, I didn't ask her out...'

I grew up with Frazetta and Boris as heroes and reading pulp era adventures where the covers often featured such images. Heavy Metal (the comic) was a regular purchase for exposure to the different artists (yes, EVERY issue has way worse than Donnybrook's cover). I don't buy comics anymore, but I am still aware of the artists - walk through the aisle of any comic book shop and check out the covers. I won't post pics here, but check out some of the covers from 2014...

Lords of Mars #6
Dejas Thoric Calandar 2014
Red Sonja Berserker
Wonder Womans #28

We often talk about the lack of younger gamers in the hobby this is what some of them are reading. This played NO PART in my decision on the cover design, but my FLGS also sells comics and I have to walk past them to get to the wargame stuff, so I am aware of modern comic book trends and again, never gave any thought to the fact that some people might find the cover offensive.

My wife sanctioned the cover. In fact she mercilessly made fun of my first incarnation of the character and urged me to change it. The painting of the hangs in our home, in the hall that leads to the game room with the rest of the Wordtwister covers. She says it's the best painting of the four...

Re: Art for Art sake... Donnybrook for God's sake!

Posted: Sat Feb 15, 2014 3:08 pm
by yar68
Beggers belief really???? :roll: I didn't expect any comments like that either?
Because I post on here does this mean i'm an unknowing member off your cult? And is their a membership fee? Coz ain't paying it!!!!

Re: Art for Art sake... Donnybrook for God's sake!

Posted: Sat Feb 15, 2014 3:44 pm
by obriendavid
barr7430 wrote: Dave O' Brien once went to a Bay City Rollers Concert and some of them had criminal records(thought all their records were criminal)
Actually Alan Longmuir of the BCR used to work for my dad and one of them was at school with me but that's as far as I got to a concert. :lol:

Re: Art for Art sake... Donnybrook for God's sake!

Posted: Sat Feb 15, 2014 4:14 pm
by quindia
The bill is in the mail, Ray... :D