Disappointing books II.. is it just me?

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Post by kiwipeterh » Thu Oct 16, 2008 8:02 am

Eeek. What have I done with my 'vomit inducing' comment?! It just seemed so poetic at the time! :roll:

When I typed my reply I went on a big rave about there being heroes & cowards, master strokes & missed opportunities aplenty to go around on all sides during all the Napoleonic campaigns. And how it is a shame that Napoleonic literature, discussions etc seem to often descend into a pro or anti French/Napoleon stance with a vengeance. I thought I was getting a little carried away and deleted it. I should, in hindsight, have left it in!!!! :oops:

Further, I ranted about considering myself a fan of both the French and the various opposing allies ... though, if pushed, I would declare for the allies! I find nearly all the armies to be of interest to me. A look at my Napoleonic armies and their planned direction may give some indication - Prussians, Russians, Austrians, French, Saxons & Bavarians. And who knows what will be added. 8) If there is an exception it is the Peninsular War which does not hold the same attraction that 'mainland' Europe does for me.

I would find an over the top pro allies book just as 'vomit inducing'. It's just that I wanted a balance for Barry's problem. I remember as a naive youngster getting books out of the library and reading a whole bunch of distorted jingoistic rubbish about the British at Waterloo and the all conquering and infallible French everywhere else. I wish I had read all of them with a little more scepticism at the time!

I look forward to more information being available in English on the non British & French armies. Hopefully this will balance out some of the old ingrained oft repeated stereotypes that are prevalent in some circles.
colbert wrote:Barry,
I totaly agree about Geoffrey Wootten`s work,it is as Franco-phobic as any book by Mr Ian Fletcher.(the guy who wrote Sharpe? )
As a European , i prefer the works of F.G Hourtoulle & Tranie/Carmigniani
"vomit inducing". Fordi du - aksepterer det engelske vinklingen. :wink:
I have vague memories of reading Hourtoulle's Jena Auerstadt The Triumph of the Eagle and The Moskova, Borodino. I wonder if all Europeans would agree with the French views expounded in these books. :lol:

von Peter himself ... a proud Kiwi (New Zealander) carefully bred from various European stock to extract the best from each :P
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Post by PaulMc » Sat Oct 18, 2008 12:19 pm

Hmmm, you want bias from a historian try Jac Weller, he's practically in love with Wellington.

That man Hofschroer! You can quickly paraphrase his work on the British, Wellington, and the Prussians very easily, "The repulsive English Duke and his ragtag band of ruffians who outrageously usurped the true laurels of victory from the glorious Prussians and their glorious commander the most honourable Prince Blucher, all hail Prussia, long live Germany!"
That about sums his work up rather neatly. :wink:

"We shall attack across the minefield, under cover of daylight!"
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