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French drummer uniform help!

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2011 2:12 am
by Rob Herrick
Does anybody have information about the uniforms of the drummers of the Infantry regiments of Ney's VI Corps in 1805?

Specifically the 6e, 9e and 25e Legere, and 32e, 39e, 50e, 59e, 69e, 76e, and 96e Ligne.

I have the details for the 27e Ligne, but that's it. Sadly, the Hourtoulle books will reprint the Guard drummers uniforms and the Cavalry uniforms a lot, and they're pretty good about the facing colors with the Allies, but they don't do much for the French line.

What little I do have in Ospreys and various websites covers much the same regiments as the Hourtoulle prints. It's great if you're interested in III or IV Corps, but not VI.

Any help is appreciated!

Re: French drummer uniform help!

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2011 7:59 am
by Friedrich August I.

I faced the same troubles a while ago and currently the project has gone into a dormant state. But I will look into my old french books, most of them thirty years old, and the other stuff to see if I find something usefull for you.
Maybe Clarence can add somthing to it because we both are fond of Ney and his VI.Corps 1805 to 1811.

