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Victrix Old Guard

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2012 5:50 am
by nick the greek
Good day all,

This is my first outing into Napoloenics after 23 years of gaming. And I only have the most basic understanding of the period.
The Victrix Old Guard Grenadiers is where I'm starting, due to the simplicity of painting greatcoats. So I'm looking at painting up the Guard Division for 1814, in battalions of 36 to game with Blackpowder rules.

I have a few questions for the experts if you can assist? Even though these will be eventually gamed with, being a painter first the asthetics are my major consideration.

Does each battalion carry a flag?
Is the eagle a separate standard from the battalion flags?
Do the two guards attached to the eagle bearer differ from normal troops?
What are fanions?
Some banners inserted in muskets are provided, what are the colours and where should they be placed?
Would two drummers per command stand be okay?
Would the mounted colonel be placed in the 1st battalion command stand?
Would the greatcoat colour be consistent through out the guard?
And which Foundry blue triad would be the most suitable for the greatcoats?

Many thanks,

Re: Victrix Old Guard

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2012 3:49 pm
by EvilGinger
What are fanions?
They are the banners inserted in muskets you mentioned. I am not sure of the colours for the imperial guards but they where used by sergeants to help dress the unit & look best on each flank of a line.

I am also not entirely sure that the greatcoats where not medium grey like they where for line Battalions.

:evil: Ginger

Re: Victrix Old Guard

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 4:45 am
by lord marcus
They were dark, blue. If you use citadel paints, try mixing enchanted blue with a little black.

Re: Victrix Old Guard

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 5:00 am
by nick the greek
Thank you for the replies, I'm actually going to do a couple of sample troops tonight. Foundry is my main paint of choice these days, so I will give French blue, deep blue, and storm blue a go.

Hopefully post some pics up.

Re: Victrix Old Guard

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 5:10 am
by lord marcus
Is there any way you could do a mini-review of the set? I haven't been able to find any (i guess my google fu is weak) and I'm actually pleased with the 1805-12 infantry, and as such am thinking of getting some of the guard.

As a tip, a good book to familiarize yourself with the period is armies of the napoleonic wars by osprey.