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Raising an Army

Posted: Sun May 27, 2012 10:48 am
by Phil69

Will be test painting my first sample 28s over the next few weeks.

Have been thinking about my French units as to go for 24 or 36 and how best to base them for rte. as will either need to have 4 or 6 grenadiers and volts. Have just got my copy of the rules and not yet read them so apologies if answer is obvious.



Re: Raising an Army

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 7:34 pm
by Phil69

Will have a go at re phrasing the question.

Will be basing my French in groups of 4, will it make any game difference to have 2 Gren and 2 fusiliers on the base.



Re: Raising an Army

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 9:26 pm
by Friedrich August I.
Phil69 wrote:Gents

Will have a go at re phrasing the question.

Will be basing my French in groups of 4, will it make any game difference to have 2 Gren and 2 fusiliers on the base.



I had the honor and priviledge to be part of the DERBY Napoleonic Weekender and had french troops under my command. Sofar as I noticed it there has been only Grenadiers in the units and the Voltigeurs were only on the table when used as skirmishers who were called out. Therefore I would say that you can use a 4 - 6 figure base or whatever you like because the figures are not used as companies but as 4 figure Combat groups. If a combat group matches with a company strenght then this is only by accident.
Take my Saxons as a sample: They are formed as a 36 Figure Unit representing a 40 figure Battalion of 800 men and are based as 6 x 6. When formed in a battle formation they are 4 ranks deep. That matches with the original formation.

Hope that helps


Re: Raising an Army

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2012 6:43 pm
by Phil69
Thanks for that Gunther much appreciated.



Re: Raising an Army

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2012 9:09 pm
by Phil69

Further to this in an average British reg of 30 figures how many flank companies do people use?



Re: Raising an Army

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2012 9:14 pm
by BP
I put 4 light and 4 grenadier in every battalion. Apparently the light and grenadier companies were kept more up to strength than the centre companies.


Re: Raising an Army

Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2012 8:33 pm
by Phil69
Thanks for that Bill. Am I right in thinking Brit regs have two standard bearers one for the union flag the other for the regt standard?



Re: Raising an Army

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2012 9:09 am
by BP
Yes, they had 2 colours, the Kings colour and the regimental colour.
The Kings colour is the union flag and should always be on the right hand side of the unit if looking from behind the unit.


Re: Raising an Army

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2012 11:41 am
by Phil69
Thanks Bill much appreciated.


Re: Raising an Army

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2012 3:39 pm
by Rod MacArthur
BP wrote:Yes, they had 2 colours, the Kings colour and the regimental colour.
The Kings colour is the union flag and should always be on the right hand side of the unit if looking from behind the unit.

Unless they were Foot Guards, in which case the King's Colour (on the right) was crimson and the Regimental Colour was the Union Flag (on the left), and it still is today.


Re: Raising an Army

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2012 9:11 pm
by Phil69
Evening Gents

Thought i'd post some wip photos of my first two Napleonics and would be grateful for any feedback. Have just put in the order with front rank for my first British Bn and really looking forward to painting them.

Any feedback would be welcome good bad or indifferent as looking to learn how to paint a good standard of 28 mm figures.






Re: Raising an Army

Posted: Sat Oct 20, 2012 9:30 am
by Phil69
My first finished British Infantry man (foundry) and just recevied the first Bn through the post so good to go.

Any feedback would be welcome.







Re: Raising an Army

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 4:25 am
by Rob Herrick
I think you've done a good job. Apply the same care to the bases that you do to the figures and you'll have a nice looking battalion.

Do you highlight? That would be my only suggestion to improve. The backpack, greatcoat and trousers would pop with a highlight, though it may be the camera. I like the red you've got for your coat. The lace is also a nice touch.

On your WIP Frenchman, if you can paint the piping on his lapels, collar, cuffs and turnbacks, he'll really pop. I don't know if your blue was the final blue, but if so, it was a bit dark.

Otherwise, practice and work, hard, on the bases. A good base makes even a poorly painted miniature shine. A bad base makes the best miniatures look worse.

Can't wait to see the rest!

Re: Raising an Army

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 8:43 am
by Phil69

Thanks for the feedback and the words of encouragement. Think it may well be the camera as have highlighted backpack etc.

The Frenchie is still wip but will have some finished photos soon.

Thanks again.


Re: Raising an Army

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 8:53 pm
by Phil69
My first completed French man (aside form doing his baynet which missed before taking the photo).

Any feedback would be welcome




