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Waterloo wargame and exhibition, Edinburgh March 2013

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2012 3:48 pm
by iaingale
I am in the throes of planning a large Waterloo wargame and exhibition to take place at the new Summerhall Arts Complex in the centre of Edinburgh next March.
It will be played on a custom made board (almost done!) 16x7 feet of the field of Waterloo at a scale of 1:40. (I will attach an image of the Hougoumont section).
I have all the Anglo-allied forces but need French and Prussians. I have already prevailed on local contacts to supply some of the little tin men, but as usual more are needed, particularly if as planned, we are to play three games over three weekends and the board is to stay up for a month.
I am also looking for commanders (10 allies, 3 Prussians and 9 French) for each of the weekends.
The game will take place in a devoted exhibition room or even rooms, themed on Napoleon's downfall from 1813 to 18 June 1815 and should be filled with dioramas and gaming boards representing the campaigns of Leipzig, France and the 100 days. If anyone has any of these they are willing to lend of any size and at any scale and any other artefacts and images, I would be most grateful.
The location is extremely comfortable with a great bar and restaurant and a cafe. I am currently planning out other events around the games.
Do let me know your interest.