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28mm Royal Artillery figures

Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2006 11:15 am
by barr7430
Does anybody do any half decent RA (not RHA) gunners? A much neglected branch of service from a 28mm Napoleoinc range perspective...



Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2006 1:47 pm
by Anonymous
Something wrong with Foundry? (Old numbers were B124 + B125, dont know the new numbers)


Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2006 7:00 pm
by barr7430
Thanks Franlk but I couldn't find them anywhere on the Foundry site - it is not arranged the way it used to be and now seems full of 'special deals' and not a proper list in numerical order... any ideas :oops:

Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2006 9:41 pm
by Guest

if you go on the foundry site click search .do a search for BCB11 that brings up the Napoleonic Royal artillery collection.

Then you should be able to chose which packs you want crews are B124/125 plus the guns.

Then you can order what packs you need, remember you get them cheaper if you need 3 packs the same pack then click the deals emblem and you get them for £20 instead of £25.50 :lol:


Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2006 9:44 pm
by kutusov
nearly forgot Front Rank also do some

Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2006 10:03 pm
by barr7430
TOP TIP Bob thanks :D

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2006 9:59 pm
by thinredline

While we are on the subject, I can see French and Spanish Artillerymen from Front Rank, Perry & Foundry, as you would expect, with & without backpacks. The guys without pak will be used to form Coastal Batteries / Garrison artillery crews

I am trying to source preferably French Infantry -without backpacks, the intention being to use them as Garrison Troops, and as Marines.

Front Rank do have some Spanish without backpacks, but I dont see any Perry or Foundry. Any suggestions :?:
Last point, your valued opinion of compatibility between Foundry/Perry and Front Rank. I have had the privilige of gaming with other peoples figures, and whilst Front Rank were fine figures, they seemed to be bulkier than their Foundry counterparts. So ok as sperate units, but would u mix and match :?:


Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2006 9:15 am
by barr7430
Hello Bob me old mucker :D

I am also interested in the size and anatomy compatibility question between Perry French Naps and Foundry(Perry desinged) French Naps.... :?:

Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2006 7:25 pm
by thinredline
Perry and Foundry look absolutely spiffing old chap and I am sure they will mix readily - but with Front Rank Infantry :?: :?:

Where oh where do I get compatible infantry - without backpacks, and
any ideas for French - or Spanish Marines :?: :?:


(progress is slow in the shipyards, but a little breeze has sprung up and we are making HEADWAY 8) )

Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2006 10:33 am
by Anonymous
barr7430 wrote: I am also interested in the size and anatomy compatibility question between Perry French Naps and Foundry(Perry desinged) French Naps.... :?:
In the end it is everybodys different taste.

My opinion:

There are two sizes of Foundry napoleonics by the Perrys. The new one (Russians and marching french) and the old one (the rest). The new one are a little bit bigger. That is no problem, but you will notice it, if you put austrian Jaeger at the side of russian Jaeger.

The new Perries under their own name are obvioulsy inspired by their work at GWs Lord of the Ring range. They are as tall as the new Foundry, but are a little bit slimmer. So they look very realistic and are the best models i have ever seen IMO.

I have the impression that Front Rank has also changed a little bit their style. I have an old austrian by Front Rank. He has a head like his Foundry comrades thorax (remember: smaller Foundry). I wouldnt mix them and wouldnt even use them in different units. The old Front Ranks are very, very bulky. It seems that they have lost some of that with their newer ranges, but i only saw those models on the web.

We use Front Rank for some special models. My friends Kutusow is a Front Rank model, he was very fat, so no problem.

In the end it is mostly the painting that makes an army fit. I still wouldnt use both ranges together. I can understand the argument, that Front Rank are very easy to paint. A bigger face is more easy to paint than a smaller one. But i still prefer the Perry miniatures for their more realistic not so toylike look.


Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2006 7:25 pm
by thinredline
I take your point regarding "easier to paint Front Rank" but Perry/Foundry being harder to paint, but "better models."

I have found the same when painting models from differing manufacturers, but of the same period. Eg Perry Sudan Naval figures v's Copplestone.
Copplestone were a joy to paint, Perry required a lot more work, but the end results were equally good paint jobs, only the Perry figures were the better models :D

Your advice not to mix older Front Rank withPerry/Foundrywould seem to bea fair comment - I will post up my findings but before I cann do that, I wll have to loosen the purse strings and buy some figures


Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2006 2:57 am
by quindia
The Frontrank models are larger than most of the Foundry figs, but I managed to mix a couple in each of my units by gluing the Foundry model to a washer and gluing that to the base...

The figure in the second rank that is closest to the camera is a Foundry. Even though, it is smaller than the others, having the Shako and head at the height of the rest disguises the fact well. It blends it much better than it would if left looking up at it's companions.

The newer Foundry mix in even better (I have a pile of the marching Foundry French that fit better with Front Rank than they do the older style Foundry models).

Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2006 7:16 am
by Anonymous
quindia wrote:The Frontrank models are larger than most of the Foundry figs, but I managed to mix a couple in each of my units by gluing the Foundry model to a washer and gluing that to the base...
Yes, that works. I use that with my Foundry WW2 models to mix them with my Black Trees. It is the head that gives the impression of the heigth.

My problem is, that i have Foundry/Perry armies. It is more easy to fit a smaller man in an army of bigger models than vice versa.


Posted: Sat Sep 02, 2006 8:44 am
by thinredline
Nice photo "Quindia"

I have taken note of the "washer" high heels :lol:

I suppose that in real life, we are all different as well, and having a regiment of six foot men - with no five foot six, or six foot six tall guys is not true to nature. HEIGHT factor apart, the general bulk of the figure I suppose - is equally important.

I have taken the plunge (into my wallet) and ordered some Perry, Front Rank and Foundry. Here goes :D

Now - any ideas as to what figures to use for French Marines :?:


Posted: Mon Sep 04, 2006 1:53 pm
by sharnydubs
I'm in the middle of painting a number of Napoleonic batteries for our forthcoming League of Gentlemen Wargamers Waterloo bash. Needless to say on the table itself we will have a good mix of Foundry, Front Rank, Perry, Elite, Calpe, Dixon , Essex, , Old Glory, Redoubt, Minifigs et all. With napoleonics its a struggle just getting enough troops together for a mega fight let alone being overly picky as to which manufacturers we prefer. I know however that there will be more than neough "pretty" units for everyone to be inspired.

I bought some Perry Dutch Belgian and Brunswick artillery at Claymore and have supplemented these with Front Rank Dutch Belgian and British artillery. For what it's worth here are my comments.
* Perry figures have more realistic / less static poses
* Perry figures and guns have more flash/ need more prep work
* Price comparison - Perry 2 gun packs @£8.50 = £17.00
- Front rank battalion pack = £15.20
* Front Rank figures can be bought singly
* Front Rank have more poses available - Perry packs have four fixed poses
* Dutch Belgian artillery were a mix of 6 pounders and 5.5in howitzers per battery. Perry don't sell Howitzers with crew. Front Rank sell howitzers separately. You need howitzers for Waterloo !
* I found the Front Rank figures easier to paint and the artillery pieces easier to assemble. Given that I'm painting up 20 guns plus crew this is significant for me.

On balance I would go with Front Rank.
Foundry artillery are good especially if you buy the unit deals which cuts the cost down considerably.

If you're looking to add a Rocket troop I can only find one available from Old Glory although Redoubt may have something as well.
