Anatomy Of Victory- Nosworthy

A section devoted to questions and answers for this period.
Eugenio von Savoy
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Post by Eugenio von Savoy » Sun Jan 10, 2010 7:55 pm

Jim et al,

Bang on!
If it ain't broke, then don't fix it.

Tim W
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Post by barr7430 » Sun Jan 10, 2010 9:45 pm


don't panic!!! :shock:

This is the time for the open discussion and the trials. Some things did need altering in my own opinion particularly melee mechanisms. There is some further period flavour being added in various important areas and some modifiers have been altered for shooting and combat but following the reaction to the Movement debate I have switched the main move distance back to 4 inched for infantry in Line.

The discussions that have been generated have been invaluable to me in terms of
1. Validation of existing stuff the works
2. Clarification of ambiguities
3. Enhancement in key areas
4. Gathering opinion of users after 2 years of playing the rules.

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Post by SteveRCR » Sun Jan 10, 2010 11:46 pm

Yes there is a bit of panic as they circle the wagons in defence of the 4". I hate to see if i brought up any other veiws that are differant from the forum regulars. A valid reson why i mostly read forums and never register and post. The regulars get very protective of change, but i enjoy the rules and liked to see the trials of differant movement rates and felt the need to voice my opinion.

While i am out numbered by the forum crowd the poll shows that people are interested in this mechanism of the game.
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Post by j1mwallace » Mon Jan 11, 2010 1:07 am

Steve. I wouldn't feel threatened if i were you. there ain't enough wagons to circle!. I did seriously consider aupporting move distance change until we tried it. Your opinions are 100% valid as anyone else's. I'd hate you to think it was some old boys club. I hate that as well.
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Post by barr7430 » Mon Jan 11, 2010 8:09 am

Jim is absolutely right..
Please don't feel ranks are being closed.. not at all

There are people who diagree here all the time :wink:
We tend to do it in a rather more controlled fashion than the Froth Pits though.

I am all for adaptation of rules (I have done it myself many times). If a gaming group want to make house amendments then good.
One of the biggest criticisms abuot me in feedback from the US was my ' British' attitude. I did not defend a priniciple to the last ditch in blood, if people argued and wanted to change something I said.. OK change it!

BLB is not a Holy Book.. I am happy to let users modifiy to taste.. you paid your money. you are entitled!

The way it is written is the way it works for me but I am just another gamer and happen to be one that got round to writing down how I game..

Keep it coming Steve, Jim and I are rare in that we actually do know each other and have met many times but that is rather unusual as most forum users here only know each other because we use the forum!
"If you think you can, or if you think you can't, you are probably right"

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