Starting the period: Rules, Miniatures, and other tidbits...

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The Warrior Pole
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Starting the period: Rules, Miniatures, and other tidbits...

Post by The Warrior Pole » Mon Mar 31, 2008 3:36 am

Greetings all,
I've visited this site occasionally for quite some time, and it's really spurred my desire to game in 25mm despite the costs and drawbacks. I've pretty much gone pure 25mm (with the exception of WWII and later) and really gotten into it. Ever since reading a novel set during the Jacobite wars I've wanted to do something like the LOA, and finally after recently seeing this site again, I've decided to do it (most likely with 25mm OG).
So my questions/discussion topics are:

1: Rules) I like the 18 to a battalion/regiment number. Nappies with GdeB, the units are so big I tend to get burnt out. 18 seems to be my best point. I've seen BLB mentioned all over the place, but how do I get the rules (preferably a free or cheap older edition first, then maybe a commercial one, where to get them seems confusing)? And what do people think of them compared to AOR?

2: background and books) Any Suggestions here on books for the wars and uniforms? I have a rather limited knowledge save for the pictures of minis I've seen.
3: building armies) What's the best place to start, and what do unit compositions look like in BLB?

Thanks for any help here, I'm eager to jump into yet another period!
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Post by Bluebear » Mon Mar 31, 2008 5:30 am

The "commercial" set of "Beneath the Lily Banners" has been printed but is not yet in the UK.

It is the new improved version of the older pdf set called "Under the Lily Banners" (note that the name has been changed because of confusion with a boardgame with a very similar title).

Whether Barry Hilton (the author and our webmaster) is still sending people the old ULB rules is unknown to me . . . but hopefully he will soon be able to answer you.

Many of us are eagerly awaiting the new rules . . . and unless something has changed, the units will be just about the size you like.

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Post by simon » Mon Mar 31, 2008 7:37 am

I don't think you can go far wrong with BLB, unit sizes seem to suit as I am of a similar opinion, in some ways I would rather have more units on the table than larger units.

As for unit compositions, have a look through Barry's gallery, or as I have been using the rules for some time I have some pictures on my blog

Welcome to perhaps the most interesting period in history.

Books is a bit more difficult as there are so many, look at Osprey, I know some people don't like them but they are a good place to start, as are the Sapherson booklets available from Caliver.
The Warrior Pole
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Post by The Warrior Pole » Mon Mar 31, 2008 2:11 pm

Bluebear wrote:The "commercial" set of "Beneath the Lily Banners" has been printed but is not yet in the UK

Whether Barry Hilton (the author and our webmaster) is still sending people the old ULB rules is unknown to me . . . but hopefully he will soon be able to answer you.
By 'not yet in the UK' does this mean they're available in the US, or just not yet available period? If I can get a copy of the old PDF from barry that'd be great, as i'd like to see the rules before I by them, but the pictures of the full color pages I saw elsewhere are more than enough temptation to order a copy...
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Post by Captain of Dragoons » Mon Mar 31, 2008 4:05 pm

Hello Warrior

The rules are not yet avilable but I believe Barry will have them avilable on the website and they can be ordered using paypal.

You have come to the right place for gaming the League of Augsburg :)

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Post by reiver rob » Tue Apr 01, 2008 9:48 am

As previously mentioned, it would be worth checking out the Caliver books website for the pamphlet type books in their 17th and 18th Century catagories for army and uniform information. These types of reference are a good place to start with your armies until you get a good feel for the period and then you can move on to the more in depth material.
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Post by quindia » Tue Apr 01, 2008 2:26 pm

Besides the updated and expanded rules, BLB has an extensive bibliography! There are also two scenarios which I always find helpful when I'm starting a new period - I find the OoB's included in such scenarios to be excellent guides to building your own force.

On top of this, BLB will see support with more scenarios presented in the top wargame magazines over the next few months (keep an eye out here for news). Depending on the success of the book and the level of interest in supplements, there may even be scenario books available in the future.

The rules will be available on this site soon. They have been printed and are en route...
Last edited by quindia on Tue Apr 01, 2008 9:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Bluebear » Tue Apr 01, 2008 7:46 pm

Warrior Pole,

From a comment made by Barry, I believe that BLB was printed somewhere in Europe. It is still either "in transit" or hasn't yet cleared Customs . . . but it most definitely is not yet available in the US.

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Post by barr7430 » Tue Apr 01, 2008 10:30 pm

Just to update everyone(by the way thanx Jeff for your helpful updates on my behalf :D ). I have still not been given a delivery date. At the moment I can't contact the 'fixer' between the printer and I. I have left several messages.

The mechanisms for distribution via the website are all in place. The minute I have the rules they will be available to buy online.

Keep you posted!... yep, I'm frustrated too!!! :roll:
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Post by The Warrior Pole » Wed Apr 02, 2008 5:32 am

Thanks for the update Barry, any chance of getting a PDF copy of one of the older versions to look through prior to the printed copies arrival?
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