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Re: Tangier 1683

Posted: Sun May 19, 2013 2:20 pm
by obriendavid
Cheriton wrote: Brilliant, very encouraging. Also planning to use the TAG Turks for "1683", now I have an excuse after decades for pursuing the Tangiers to-do as well, thanks. :) Michael
Michael, I had been quite selective on which Turkish figures I bought to use as Moors but I've been so impressed with their figures that once I finish both factions for my Vendee games I plan on getting more TAG Turks to make a proper Turkish faction to game against Warfare Austrians.
Glad I could help and inspire.

Re: Tangier 1683

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2013 5:33 am
by Redmist1122
I pretty much have my contingent of Moors/Berbers for my Tangiers project. Now to focus on the English force. With the lack of solid information on what the English fielded in Tangiers, looking for some insights. This is what I found:
- Old Tangier Regiment (Queens Dowager/Kirke Lambs)
- Dumbarton's Regiment
- Guard Battalion (Coldstream?)
- 7 Troops of Horse/Dragoons

Any ideas of what units were the cavalry and were there any other foot units?


Re: Tangier 1683

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2013 6:39 am
by Friedrich August I.
Eventually you find here what you are looking for: ... 83&f=false

- Dumbarton's Regiment: ... _1746.html

You may have to search through this

Re: Tangier 1683

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2013 7:58 am
by wdrenth
hello Redmist,

As for the troops as Tangier:

In 1661 and early 1662, four regiments of foot were shipped to Tangier, together with a troop of horse. Three of the regiment came from the Dunkirk garrison: one was an old Protectorate regiment and two were Royalist regiments, predominantly Irish. The other regiment was the Earl of Peterborough's Foot and was newly raised, and the troop of horse was also new.

In April 1663 the foot was reduced to two regiments: one English with fifteen and one Irish with five companies. In 1664 this was altered, with the national differences removed, and one regiment at nine and one with eight companies. Note that by this time most of the original garrison (Royalist, Irish, English, Protectorate) was not there anymore. In 1668 the two regiments were united into one of twelve companies. This is basically when the future Queen's Regiment (2nd Foot) came into existence.

As to the horse, there were three troops in 1663, but only one remained in 1664. This was also a half-troop of 30 troopers commanded by a lieutenant.

In 1679 four companies were added to the regiment, bringing it to sixteen companies. These four companies originate from one of the regiments raised in 1678.

In 1680 another regiment for Tangier was raised: the 2nd Tangier Regiment, the future 4th Foot. Also sixteen companies. Furthermore, sixteen companies from the Earl of Dumbarton's regiment were shipped to Tangier from Ireland in two installments: first four companies followed by a further twelve later. Five companies of the regiment remained in Ireland. Four independent companies from Ireland were sent as well.

Other reinforcements from England included a composite battalion called the King's Battalion. This was composed of levies from the four standing regiments in England: the 1st Foot Guards, the Coldstream Guards, the Duke of York's Regiment, and the Holland Regiment. It numbered five companies, the 1st Foot Guards providing two companies. Also sent was a company of miners, probably intended for construction work on the mole (and later destruction).

As to the horse, it was intended to ship six more troops to Tangier but only three were actually sent. This brought the total to four troops. There were also three Spanish troops.

Upon evacuation in 1684, the four Irish companies returned to Ireland, and Dumbarton's came to England and became ranked as the 1st regiment of foot. Of the (future) 2nd Foot, five companies were reduced of which four were transferred to Ireland. The (future) 4th Foot lost four companies, but don't yet know what happened to them (disbanded or sent to Ireland). The King's Battalion was dissolved with the men and officers returning to their regiments, and the company of miners was disbanded.

The four troops of horse were converted/downgraded to dragoons, and united to two troops/companies of dragoons raised in 1683. Together they formed the Royal Regiment of Dragoons.

Hope this helps a bit.


Re: Tangier 1683

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2013 10:35 am
by obriendavid
Do you have any info on the Spanish horse that were in the Tangiers garrison? Who they were and what happened to them?

Any further info on this interesting side show is always highly valued.

Re: Tangier 1683

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2013 10:49 am
by wdrenth
hi Dave,

I don't have names of the captains of the three Spanish troops, and no not more that these troops served in Tangier between 1680 and 1684. Googling on 'spanish horse tangier 1680' gives several hits, but haven't searched them all.

Perhaps they were hired, to replace the three English troops that were disbanded in 1680 (see my previous post). My best guess is that they returned to Spain in 1684.

obriendavid wrote:Do you have any info on the Spanish horse that were in the Tangiers garrison? Who they were and what happened to them?

Any further info on this interesting side show is always highly valued.

Re: Tangier 1683

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2013 11:32 pm
by Redmist1122
Thank you for the site links. I accidentally ran across the Regiments of Foot for the British Army, great resources.

Thank you for filling in the gaps. I remember reading about the Spanish, but forgot about them.

This gives some great options. I also ran across these two site: ... gier.shtml

Thanks again!

Re: Tangier 1683

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2013 11:08 am
by Churchill

Re: Tangier 1683

Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 3:57 am
by Redmist1122
Wow! Thank you for the additional insights. Algerian Pirates...yup sounds like a few good scenarios there. I was already thinking of using my port for my regular pirate games for this anyways.

I'm getting ready to start painting up a small unit of cavalry. I'm in a jam as to weather to paint the coats red or leave them buff. Any suggestions?

Re: Tangier 1683

Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 6:24 am
by Friedrich August I.
Redmist1122 wrote:..... I was already thinking of using my port for my regular pirate games for this anyways
Since when does Tucson have its own port? :wink: :D

Re: Tangier 1683

Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 10:42 pm
by Redmist1122
Pretty funny...well when it finally rains and we get the heavy rains, well the wash or run-off behind my house fills up pretty good...maybe a port?

I built a similar port as instructed by Gary Chalk in the WI series.

I'm using North Star (Copplestone) Glory of the Sun figures for my cavalry. They appear to have buff coats on. So, any advice for the cavalry; buff coats or should I get figures with regular coats?


Re: Tangier 1683

Posted: Sat Jun 29, 2013 12:09 am
by Rebel
Am typing this as I read it so things may be disjointed:

According to Routh, Autumn 1680, Treaty signed with Spain for the services of 200 Catalan horse. Sent across by the Governor of Andalucia, they first saw action in an English victory over the Moroccans in October that year. In a later engagement three cavalry officers are mentioned - a Captain Neatby (who may or may not be English or a version of a Spanish name) and Don Salvador de Montforte & Don Manrique (Enrique ?) de Moronia who are most definitely Spanish. For the period October 1680 through to Jan 1682, Montforte recied the sum of Stg. 900.00 for services rendered....

Re: Tangier 1683

Posted: Sat Jun 29, 2013 12:11 am
by Rebel
So Spaniards probably gone by spring 1682...

Re: Tangier 1683

Posted: Sat Jun 29, 2013 12:20 am
by Rebel
OK, Captain Neatby/Needby is comander of one of the six English troops of horse raised for Tangier (along with Coy, Pultney, Ossory, Langston and Lanier) at the same time the Spanish are only mentioned as being "200 auxiliary Spanish horse", so may have only been 2 units each under the commanders mentioned above...

Re: Tangier 1683

Posted: Sat Jun 29, 2013 3:09 pm
by obriendavid
I have read in a few sources that they mention 3 troops of Spanish horse so the 200 cavalrymen you mention would be more than enough.