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Re: Blenheim OOB

Posted: Mon Dec 24, 2012 10:38 pm
by Churchill

Re: Blenheim OOB

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2012 9:29 pm
by Budyenny
So Oxenstierna's regt was at Ramilies, thats good because I painted a btn of these a while ago. However at that time I had no uniform details and went for blue coats, yellow facings, stockings and breeches at that time they seemed to fit the bill.

So I may change the facings etc, but gents ehat colours did the unit carry, a mix of the Swedish regt colours and a Dutch colour? If anyone knows let me know, I gave the unit their Swedish colour only as I didn't have any other info.

Thanks in advance.

Budyenny (Paul)

Re: Blenheim OOB

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2012 11:31 pm
by turrabear
not sure if this will be a help . clause -peter golberg in die vereingten niederlande has oxenstierna with a blue coat faced yellow . the afbeeldingen collectie has oxenstierna as having a blue coat faced blue with an orange border round the cuff's . the only flag that i have seen for oxenstierina is white with a yellow flame in each corner.hope this will help you.

Re: Blenheim OOB

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2012 9:51 am
by Budyenny
Thanks Turrabear

I must have used the Golberg disc, as I have this as a reference (forgotten about this disc) thanks for the info. I noted elsewhere there is going to be a Robert Hall disc updating the info on the Dutch so hopefully there will be more plates etc, I was not overly keen on the Golberg production as the plates are not as good as the Palatinate ones etc.



Re: Blenheim OOB

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2012 9:40 am
by Churchill

Re: Blenheim OOB

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2012 12:11 pm
by Friedrich August I.
I second that.
Gents, please dont Hijack this tread and just open your own :)
I know, I am not better, but please try it, ok?

Re: Blenheim OOB

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2013 8:07 pm
by Budyenny

My humble apologies, I had not considered I had tried to hi jack your thread. I have found your thread interesting and informative and will continue to do so. I will endeavor to steer my own path in future.


Re: Blenheim OOB

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2013 10:47 pm
by barr7430

no need to apologize for posting anywhere. The only policing on this forum is done by me and that right seldom. Threads are threads, they blow in the breeze and meander down byways and mostly they come back to the topic. Ray has a short memory, he's been guilty of a bit of hijacking himself on occasion :wink:

Re: Blenheim OOB

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2013 11:44 pm
by Churchill

Re: Blenheim OOB

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2013 11:26 pm
by Captain of Dragoons
Hello Ray,

Now that you have most of the British built up for Blenheim Village, what about the French.

I just recently reread Spenser's 'Battle for Europe' about Blenheim and got me thinking of a possible idea for a Blenheim Village scenario. A French Breakout. As history teaches us the French Regiments surrender in mass towards the end of the day. However there were some regiments and officers that wanted to try and breakout.

For a what if scenario the problem for the French is the space required to form a line of battle outside the village. The troops were packed in. For the scenario to work and the French to have a chance the first few regiments coming out will be exposed to heavy fire and pressure. Therefore some like Navarre should be given 'Elite Status' (if using BLB2) to give them a chance to stand for awhile to give the rest of the French Regiments to form.

There are examples in the period of withdrawing under pressure by using a mass hollow square. Believed the French/Spanish used this tactic at Elixheim.


Re: Blenheim OOB

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2013 12:40 pm
by Churchill

Re: Blenheim OOB

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 9:00 pm
by kippax
Hello Ray
ive been away toooo long and just popped back and it hasnt help my jealous temperment one single bit great thread please keep up the fanstastic work ray your a credit to this period ...
please also pass on to paul fanstastic work on your figures

Re: Blenheim OOB

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 10:44 pm
by Churchill

Re: Blenheim OOB

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2013 3:25 pm
by Captain of Dragoons
I haven’t read of the example of this massive hollow square moving and I very much doubt it succeeded.It was hard enough to get a battalion to move in line, let alone get them to move in square.
Hello Ray

I found this interesting ref in Padraig Lenihan's '1690 Battle of the Boyne' using the battle of Fleurus as a tactical example:
Another reason why Fleures was not even more crushing lay in the quality of the Dutch Infantry: 'with infantry like that together with French Cavalry, I would set out to conquer the world', Luxembourg enthused afterwards........Waldeeck's corps de reserve making up a six or seven battalion strong block advanced into the centre of the battlefield, picking up fragments of broken units and stragglers, ultimately forming a square of sixteen battalions. Three times Luxembourg launched cavalry attacks against this square, but, alternately marching and halting, the infantrymen drove off the attackers until they found safety under the walls of Charleroi.

Re: Blenheim OOB

Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2013 9:39 pm
Hi Ray,

Did Hay's Dragoons (Royal Scot's) wear the fur cap during the NYW when they were Tiviot's Dragoons?

