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Re: Opponents for British Tangiers Garrison 1660-1684

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2022 9:55 pm
by Buzz0000
Thanks, will track down a few to try


Re: Opponents for British Tangiers Garrison 1660-1684

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2022 8:25 am
by Buzz0000
These finally arrived and I gave then a quick try and look to do the job. Colour range is a little bit limited, so wont be able to use for all flags. David (B)

Re: Opponents for British Tangiers Garrison 1660-1684

Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2023 10:57 pm
by Buzz0000
Been a bit of an hiatus on this project (loss of my Mother over the summer of 2023); but now I am drawing together some scenario's for a mini campaign over 3 or 4 days with a couple of wargaming friends for the Spring of next year (2024).

If anyone has any sources for suitable options, please do point me in the right direction. I already have Barry's "Blood and Sand" from his "A Taste of Victory" scenario book. I also have a couple from Stephen Danes "Lace Wars" (Scenario book 2).

I also have excellent source material in a range of books including the recent Pen & Sword release, the Helion book, plus others such as Routh, Smithers etc.

I recall a scenario about Teviot's ill fated expedition into ambush on Jews Hill/Mount (possibly in a back edition of Wargames Illustrated), but have not been able to track that down - be grateful for any info on that specific material.

Thanks in anticipation for assistance. Will hopefully document the AARs for sharing.

David (B)

Re: Opponents for British Tangiers Garrison 1660-1684

Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2023 11:17 pm
by Buzz0000
Just found that Ray Rousell's "Don't Throw a 1" was the source of Teviot's ill fated sortie onto Jews Hill/Mount - more at ... -last.html. Looking for an OOB for this scenario please (realise it was done back in 2016 for Donnybrook rules).

David (B)

Re: Opponents for British Tangiers Garrison 1660-1684

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2024 10:53 am
by Buzz0000
Belated HNY to all following this thread!

Post the Festive Season, my Tangier's mini campaign is getting up a head of steam for playing around Easter time this year:

I have finished reading several (new to me) sources, in addition to the Helion book and the extracts from the History of the British Standing Army etc these include:

The Tangier Campaign by A J Smithers
Tangier - England's Lost Outpost - EMG Routh (facsimile)
Tangier - The Earliest Battle Honour - John Hawkins
Tangier 1682-80 - The First Battle Honour - Various (a facsimile of related army unit histories)

I now have good drafts for 4 scenario's based on the historically recorded engagements; for the largest of which I need to mix in a few more units from my existing collections or top up the Peter Pig collection.

David (B)

Re: Opponents for British Tangiers Garrison 1660-1684

Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2024 6:45 pm
by BaronVonWreckedoften
Sorry, been out of the loop for almost all of 2023 with prostate cancer.

Have you played any of these four scenarios yet? I would very much like to see some AARs if so. How have you rated the enemy? I think I mentioned that I use FoG:R rules/army lists which have a "Tangiers Garrison" option, but don't seem to have very much on Arab/North African forces for this particular period.

Re: Opponents for British Tangiers Garrison 1660-1684

Posted: Sun Mar 17, 2024 3:18 pm
by Buzz0000
Sorry to hear you have been unwell - but welcome back.

We are playing the 4 scenario's over 2.5 days in mid April and I do plan to get some pictures and write up an AAR.

WRT/ to Arab forces, I have mixed up the Settled Arab States and Beaudoin lists with a little extra mod (allowing some carbine armed light horse for the later years to reflect what I have read).

WRT/ to English Garrison, I have made some mods in some scenario's to somewhat counter-balance the weight of Arab numbers.

More to follow!


Re: Opponents for British Tangiers Garrison 1660-1684

Posted: Thu May 02, 2024 4:14 pm
by BaronVonWreckedoften
Good-oh! Can't wait to see these.

Re: Opponents for British Tangiers Garrison 1660-1684

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2024 7:47 pm
by Friedrich August I.
You have to upload your pictures to a 3rd party Upload Platform such as Flickr or else.
As soon as your pictures are uploaded there the Website provides you with a link which you can post here.