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BLB - What should come next??

Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2008 9:16 pm
by barr7430
Dear All,

BLB has gone much better than we could have imagined. It has been available now for less than two weeks and we are just about down to 50% of our original print run.
Now, it wasn't a huge print run as I am a cautious chap :wink: but it was a fair size.
We have several ideas in the pipe and I think the best way to make decisions on further products is to ask the people who are using the rules what they would like to see....

1. A Period Companion which may contain such as: scenarios in a chronological order and by theatre and phase of the war(s) including hypothetical as well as historical, uniform, painting and flag guides, organisation information and possible army lists

2. Working title : Beneath the Bastions.... siege and static warfare in the period 1660-1721. A supplement for other kinds of action to augment existing rules

3. A set of scenario sheets done in the format of the BLB playsheet: Double sided, glossy, illustrated in a similar way to the scenarios contained in BLB and possibly able to be bought separately or in period packs.

I am genuinely interested in your views as it was encouragement from this forum that got Clarence and I into action in the first place :wink:

What should come next??

Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2008 10:33 pm
by Churchill
Me again, :wink:

Firstly congratulations to yourself, Clarance and all those involved in producing "Beneath the Lily Banner's" and long may they reign.
Next the Napoleonic Rules "Republic to Empire" published and printed on the same format as BTLB and again with a few scenario's at the back.
I agree with your view's of not producing Army Lists, but OOB's and historic Troop Classification's instead.
As far as Next goe's for BTLB I'd have to go with option 1. A Period Companion for each major conflict between 1660 to 1721 with OOB's and Troop Classification's for the main battles of the period for the wargamer's who can afford to buy large armies, but also for smaller engagements for the beginner.Uniform, painting and flag guides would be a helpful plus.Information of events that took place and a short history guide of the period.Basically what I suggested some posts ago. :idea:
Barry one other idea for people wanting to do their own scenario's and thats a battlefield terrain generator of some kind.

Keep up the great work............Ray.


Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 1:57 am
by Bluebear
Option #1 most definitely.

-- Jeff

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 8:36 am
by thinredline
From the posts and your comments, BLB certainly seems to be making a mark, well done 8) Maybe time to think about that second print run :!:

All three of your suggestions would be worthy of consideration. I might add the suggestion of a naval supplement for this, and for future periods. :roll:

Like "Churchill" I would be tempted with a run at R2E, BUT, may I suggest that you flesh out BLB along the lines of your suggestions FIRST, thus giving you a framework to produce further rulesets with the ancilliary info for other periods (like R2E) :) Once you have established the format (for BLB), all good things may follow in a neat and organised manner, hell, even Crimea might make a show :wink: :wink:


campaign books

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 3:49 pm
by J Anderson

I wouldn`t mind seeing a book on mini campaigns or the like. Maybe set in Ireland or some linked battles.


Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 2:50 am
by conflans
I guess that there is one in every crowd but I'm going to put in a good word for option 2, siege rules. Both Baccus and Dan Schorr have excellent CDs by Robert Hall and August Kuhn which give excellent painting guides for the period. Mark Allen's work in Wargames Illustrated is also an excellent source not ot mention the information which passes through this august body. I haven't ever seen a good set of siege rules for this period. Given the number of sieges, a good set of rules would be greatly appreciated.

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2008 10:14 pm
by parkinspieces
I'll opt for options 1 and 2, as I understand it, the period was marked by more Sieges than field encounters, usually difficult to play I know but for a demo game at a show they can be stunning :roll:

Any body out there remember, I think it was Gary Chalk/Mark Allen's, stunning 1690,s siege game at the last Partizan to be held at the Grove Sports Hall in Newark some years back:?: . That was the game that sparked my interest in the period :D

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2008 11:25 pm
by Clibinarium
I'd vote for option one. To get people into the period it helps if you can provide a "one stop shop" for uniforms, battles, organisation etc. I know that researching such things is part of the hobby, but given that the LoA will always be an obscure period to most people, offering easy access to those things will make it easier to get them involved.

I have found research on the Nine Year's war on the continent pretty difficult, and would like to see some sort of source book on it. The Irish part, the War of the Two Kings, I have found much easier to research. Its local history to me, so I imagine that makes it much easier. To people outside the UK and Ireland, I'd say it gets much harder.

Option two; Sieges are a tricky question. There are many more sieges than battles in the 1680-1720 period, but I always wonder how many people actually game them; are they really much fun? If done on the table they require a lot of real estate, if done on paper they get very sterile. I reckon you'll come up with something fun, but I can't work out how you'll do it yet!

I imagine I'll get whatever you come up with; I get most WHA suppliments, without ever touching the game itself, just for the info on the periods and the purdy pictures.

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 7:26 am
by Budyenny
Hi Barry

Options one and three for me please, seiges were many but I don't see the point on a club night. I think mos t of us could cobble up some seige rules if we really wanted to. Look forward to whatever you decide.

Paul Ireland

Posted: Sun Apr 27, 2008 2:31 pm
by Captain of Dragoons
I wouldn`t mind seeing a book on mini campaigns or the like. Maybe set in Ireland or some linked battles.
What Jim said.

Books could come out for the different mini periods/campaigns/battles. Ie Scotland and Ireland 1689-91, LoA Flanders 1690 - 1698, WSS Flanders and Germany, WSS Spain.
Options one and three for me please, seiges were many but I don't see the point on a club night. I think mos t of us could cobble up some seige rules if we really wanted to. Look forward to whatever you decide.

Good point Paul

Perhaps in the above books you could add a seige game that involves the storming of the a breech. That should get the blood up.
