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New Blog

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2010 12:36 pm
by yar68
Hi all,
Inspired by some of your blogs, I've made my own, I'll be putting photo's of my NYW figs soon, 15mm (I'm afraid), but as a start I've put on some Huguenot flags for anyone to download. I got the idea for the flags from Barry's flags he painted for the Historycon Battle of the Boyne.
So please take a look


Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2010 3:14 pm
by CoffinDodger

A very nice site. Your enthusiasm certainly comes across.


Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2010 4:49 pm
by Dilly
Great start keep up the good work, can't wait to see the figures :D

More flags

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2010 5:15 pm
by yar68
I've uploaded on more NYW flags on my blog, over the last few days, please take a look, comments appreciated.


Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2010 6:13 pm
by barr7430
Nice Ray!

I hope the 'Period Police' don't have you and I up for 'accuracy violations on the Huguenot flags!

Glad you 'got it' in terms of the idea..

funny story (I thought anyway! :oops: )

Years ago LoA put on an Italian Wars game at Partizan. I got bored with the whole thing and particularly the painting of some Landsknecht figures which I had to do but hated. As a relief to the tedium I painted their pikes in alternate red and yellow bands. Another Italian Wars game was on at the same show. A punter saw our game and went to the guys running the other game and told them
"your pikes are wrong, Landsknechts had striped pikes... check out the LoA game next door, they got it right!"

Wargamers eh? :lol:

Mackey's Flags

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 8:05 pm
by yar68
Another blatant add to get my visit number up, I'm in competition with my mate, first blog to 1000 wins a packet of winegums!!

I've added a couple of flags for Mackey's regiment, both totally fictions, of couse, but I like 'em.

