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To die for the Stuarts

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 3:53 pm
by flick40
We recently played a scenario using the BLB2 final draft rule set. We chose to play "To die for the Stuarts" which can be found in the Warchest. My wargaming buddy, Gavin, is a protestant with a great sense of humor and I am Catholic and Irish by decent with an equally good sense of humor. Needless to say we play the appropriate sides in all games of this ilk. I have won several of our previous games and thought he needed a win to keep him interested.

In a nutshell Dumbarton has decided to hell with King William and has headed for Scotland. He is intercepted by a large Williamite force set on bringing him back into the fold. Dumbarton has taken up defensive positions and isn't going to go quietly.

Our re-fight lasted 10 turns before it was obvious re-joining was better than death. The first few turns were Williamite maneuvering and cat calling between the players. By games end I had suffered 35.2% casualties to his 20%. By scenario design he inflicted too many casualties on me, I gave him the win anyway. :) Hey I need someone to bea,..err play with.

Here we see Dumbartons Reg't in their defensive position waiting for the Williamite forces to do their worst.

Here the Willimites are seen approaching. In the distance the Huguenot, Danish and cavalry move towards the hedge enclosures. The foreground are the Scot/dutch and English traitors with the Dutch moving up the road.

Here is shortly after some intrigue, The battalion behind switched sides to the Jacobite cause causing 1 unit to retreat. Two turns later the Scots Dutch battalion turned muskets skyward seeing there was no other support or option. The assault on the works looked in question. It was more of a pinning threat as the Dutch Garde made its way around the flank.

A short while later the turncoats were swept from the field by a cavalry charge in the rear. The Williamite effort on the defensive works is weakened though stabilized.

Meanwhile on the extreme right of the Jacobite line the commanded musketeers finally give way after a spirited defense. The Jacobite horse sees the writing on the wall and leaves the field. The Danes and horse push through and the end in near.

At game end we see the Dutch brigade has made its push on the Jacobite left flank. With the right flank effectively indefensible Dumbarton surrenders his command to Count Schomberg.

A good fun game and a nice scenario designed by Barry. The Jacobites have the odds stacked against them but there is enough possibility where the win is possible. In fact I did win this one by .2% but we wont tell Gavin. :)

Oh and I totally forgot my pike stands at home, explains why nobody has any where over 1/2 should.

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 4:05 pm
by CoffinDodger
I like the ruined tower in your photos. Where did you get that from?


Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 4:09 pm
by yar68
Nice photos!! What's the real flag, the beige one with the Harp?

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 4:13 pm
by flick40
What's the real flag, the beige one with the Harp?

That is a replica of the farewell banner given to the Irish Brigade in 1792. It was made by some nuns on Malta around the WWI time frame. It sits in the artillery school in Armagh currently.
I like the ruined tower in your photos. Where did you get that from?
I bought it at a local hobby store, I forget the manuafacturer, it's made out of old tires milled down into a moldable substance. I painted it black, dry brushed it and added some flocking as moss.