..and I'm back!

A section devoted to questions and answers for this period.
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Justin Penwith
First Sergeant
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Posts: 81
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Location: California

..and I'm back!

Post by Justin Penwith » Tue Jan 24, 2012 9:44 am

Hello Gents,

I have been away a long while, due to computer hardware issues that are not fully resolved, as yet, but I am back...and glad of it.

I just received my copy of BLB2, this week, and I am already very pleased with the quality of the book as well as the changes to the rules from BLB1.

My sole quibble is the low casualties the winner of a melee receives, in comparison to the loser... 2! Beyond that, I and my wargaming fellows are pleased as punch with the rules.

In fact, I am even now in the process of creating an alternate history within which to place several imagi-nations for myself and my gaming mates. I've written a brief alternate history, leading up to 1710, which can be found here: http://dutch-kent.blogspot.com/ .

It is a barebones blog, atm, but as I just started it yesterday, I feel the historical write-up is a worthy effort....even if I do say so, myself.

I welcome you all to view it and leave comments. Rest assured, I will be posting to it more and more frequently as things come together for it.

Again, I am glad to be back. I have a buddy who keeps asking me for a game of BLB, but real life has been rather...hectic as of late.

Barry, you are killing me with the cool miniatures and when I have a steady income, again, I will be investing in a few dozen. I need pikemen and officers. I look forward to future releases.

I am a wargamer; I wargame. I paint wargaming miniatures and, every so often, I blog about it at : http://royalistroundhead.blogspot.com/
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